THe FInal Battle: Light versus Dark part 1

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Last time on Winx Club: Ultimate Hero

Vilgax had summoned three more villains to slow down Ben while the trix were finding the rest of Ica DEl Nobla stone and bring it to Vilgax. He brought Doc Oct, Electro and Carnage to go to Alfea and kill Ben.

BAck at Alfea, Faragonda ask the winx to help her make a portal to summon two more heroes. IT was Rhino and Agent Venom. That summon spell made Faragonda and winx club except Bloom to be weak. THey were brought to Alfea nurse to get rest.

When they heard a boom sound from outside, they all run to see what caused it. Bloom got a little red symbiote goo on her that made her Carnage Bloom. The other three villains appeared and start to attack our heroes.

Ben went Echo-eCho and went Ultimate to take out the real carnage. Rhino took care of Doc Oct by disarming his robot arms. Venom had some little help from Ben when he turned into Feedback to take care of electro. Ben then fired some of his energy he shouldered and aimed it at Bloom and it desoty the red goo.

KNow that the winx club is too weak to fight and that Vilgax might have the Ica Del NObla already. Who win in this upcoming battle? Find Out on Winx Club: Ultimate Hero, chapter The Final Battle: Light vs Dark.


At Vilgax ship

"Nice work Trix. You were able to find the stone and brought it to me." Said Vilgax as he looked at the stone that was the stone that had evil power of the dark. He then put the missiong piece back where it goes and the circle was once again complete. "So what now Vilgax?" Asked Darcy.

"NOw I dont need you anymore." he said as he teleport the trix back tot eh Omega dimension. THey scream as they were teleported away. "I will defeat Ben Tennyson on my own. I and ONly I now will have the power to destroy this weak world!"

VIlgax laughed as he was ready to destroy Ben once and for all. THe stone then glowed very dark light. The darkness was getting stronger. 

He then summoned all of his robots and order to be ready for the final showdown. THe circle then glowed even brighter.

Back at Alfea.

Ben and spiderman and venom and Rhino were outside of the nurse room and were worried about their friends. Ben felt it was too quiet with no attack yet. Ben felt for the first time, is that is he fighting alone or with friends?

Just then Vilgax bust through the wall and grabbed ben. "Surprise Ben Tennyson". said Vilgax. He then throw him outside. Vilgax left a force field to block the three heroes from interfering. "HEy no fair squid face, you can't do this!" said spider man as he try to punch out of the force field.

BEn then got up and was a little mad a vilgax for doing a sneak attack like that and throw Ben. "Alright VIlgax, I am going to defeat you before you get to the Ica Del NObla and do something stupid." Said Ben as he was ready to go alien.

"You think that Ben but you are wrong. Behold!" Said VIlgax as he teleported the circle stone in a flying platform to keep it from damage from the fight. "But...but... it is not possible." said Ben as he was getting very scared.

"THe great ica del nobla, the doorway of dark power, lend me some power to defeat Ben once and forall." THe circle then glowed very bright of black light and that light went into VIlgax. A dark aura was around him.

"Ready to lose Tennyson?' asked Vilgax in a dark voice. "In your dreams squid head." said Ben. Ben then turned into Four Arms. "Looks like you need a hand, or four!" he said as he charged at vilgax. But vilgax only moved up one of his hand and one punch send ben back into a tree.

"This power is unbelievable. Now i have the power to destroy and conquer any galaxy I choose." said Vilgax. Ben then turned into Humungousaur then into Ultimate Humungousaur. Ben then fired missiles from his hands and they exploded at vilgax.

When the dust disappear, vilgax was unhurt and was still breathing. Vilgax then teleported to Ben and punch him in the stomach. Ben then spit out blood from that attack. Vilgax then grabbed him on the shoulder and throw him into the alfea wall.

Spider man and the other two heroes were scared that Ben was losing to VIlgax. THe winx came out of the nurse room and then look at the fight and they were scared that vilgax is finally going to get revenge. "Tecna, try to get rid of this force field." said Bloom. Tecna nodded and try to use her magic to deactivate the force field.

Ben then got up and another green light changed Ben into another alien. A blue like humanoid moth stood in his place. He had giant moth like antennae on his back and four big wings. The watch was on his chest.

"BIG CHILL!" said big chill. He then took a  deep breath and ice breath was fired at vilgax. It froze him but only for one second. Ben then slap the watch symbol and four spikes came out. Big chill body was now red color on his arms and legs and his wings look like frozen flames.

"Ultimate Big CHill!" said the new evolved alien. Ben then took a deeper breath and cold flames came out his mouth. even though the frozen was so cold it burns, and that it froze vilgax again, vilgax just thaw again and kick Ben the stomach.

"AHHhhhhhh!" said Ben as he fell to his knee. He spit out more blood. In another green light, ben return to his human form. he was now out cold. Vilgax grabbed him on his shirt and pick him up. "Look everyone, your only hope of stopping me, the hero of different worlds, BEN TENNYSON IS DEFEATED!" said vilgax as he tossed ben to the ground hard.

That is when the heros and the winx club got out of the force field area and they all used their power to push vilgax away from Ben. The circle stone then glowed very dark and more evil power went into vilgax.

Then vilgax body began to grow very big. His body then look like a giant dragon but his skin was very dark and had lots of dark spikes on his back from the top of his head to eh end of this tail. He had four big feet. Hsi wings look very big.

"NOw look mortal, fear the new king of darkness. I am Dark Dragon Vilgax!" he said and roared so loud that the tree were blown away. THe hero's look scared. THey wonder, how are they supose to defeat something that big.

TO BE CONTINUED............................


I am doing a clifthhanger so that everyone will be think what will happen now that ben has lost to viglax. post a comment please 

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