Chapter 1~First Day of School

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It was now 6:30 am and I was getting ready for my first day of school, I was now a Junior. I just got done brushing my teeth and washing my face. All I had to do was put my make-up on and get dress. When I was done putting my make up on I looked through my closet and after 10 minutes of searching I found what I was wearing today. I just wore a plain white crop top, my black skinny jeans, a red flannel rapped around my wast and my timberland boots.

"Aubrey come down stairs and eat breakfast " my mom called. She was big on me eating breakfast everyday morning. Today she made my favorite breakfast waffles and bacon. When I was done eating I put my Plate in the sink and went back up stair to get my backpack.

It was now 8:00 am. School started at 9 which was good because I still had so much to do. I had to get my lunch together and do my hair which i forgot all about. I managed to get everything done in 30 minutes. My mom called my name again to tell me that we were getting ready to leave. "God i hate school whats the whole point of going anyways." My mom just looked at me she knew that I got bullied and didn't have that many friends. I didn't really care about having alot of friends though because I have my best friend to talk to her name was Lorelle we knew each other since 2nd grade and we never grew apart. This year we were so excited because we have all our classes together.

I arrived at school at 8:45 and waited for Lorelle to meet at my locker. "Hey Aubrey!" Lorelle said, I was so excited to see her. We hadn't seen each other for a month and a half because she went on this really big trip to Paris that her parents have bee planning for almost two years. It felt so good to be reunited with her and what made it even better was that we had all our classes together. We just couldn't stop talking about it.

It was now the end of the day and I had already got homework which sucked. My mom picked me and Lorelle up and went out for ice cream. We dropped Lorelle off at home and we were now on our way home. When i got home I got my homework out of the way and got in the sower. After I got out I put my pajamas on and headed down stairs for dinner. Tonight we were having pizza because my mom didn't feel like cooking which was fine by me because I love pizza. After I had my third slice I went up stairs and got ready for bed.

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