Chapter 2: The Dark Knights

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"Zelda!" Beth, my girlfriend, exclaims as she practically breaks down the door.

"What is it, Beth?!" Mom asks.

"The Dark Knights are coming!"

"Son of a bitch!" I yell. "They know we're here."

"We don't know that, Casey!" Mom exclaims.

"Then, why would they be looking for us here in Kakariko?!" I draw my sword.

"We gave our alligence to Ganondorf as a way to help you two. Maybe they're just checking that we're still on their side." Beth tries to assure us. "Just stay here. I'll deal with them." Beth kisses me.


Five Dark Knights ride into town on horses with red eyes and silver armor.

"Captain Romulus!" I say. "What brings you to Kakariko Village?"

"We've been told that the queen and the prince might have taken refuge here." Romulus says.

"Well, if there's anything we can do to help, let us know." I say as inconspicuous as I can.

I tilt my sword forward. The sun reflects off the blade onto the watchtower near the gate to Death Mountain. This is a signal for the sniper atop the tower to ready his crossbow. If I do it again, that means to fire.

There's a loud crash that comes from Casey and Zelda's house.

"What the hell was that?!" Romulus exclaims.

"It must have just been an animal. That family has tons of animals." I lie.

"You! Go check it out!" Romulus orders.

"Yes, sir." One of the Dark Knights responds.

The Dark Knight walks toward Casey and Zelda's house.


I watch in suspense as the door knob slowly turns. A man clad in black armor walks in. A Dark Knight. Mom and I hide behind two crates that hold all our supplies. I draw my dagger from my belt. I look forward at mom.

"No." Mom mouths. She makes a stabbing motion at her throat. She's telling me to go for the throat. I nod.

I hear footsteps getting closer. My heart starts to race. Mom has a clear view of the Knight coming our way. He's about to find us.

"Now!" Mom mouths.

I get up quick and drive my dagger into his throat. He lets out a grunt. No doubt they heard it outside.


There's a grunt that comes from Casey and Zelda's house.

"Captain Romulus!" I say. "I suggest you look at our watchtower!"

I tilt my sword. The sunlight reflects, giving the sniper the signal.

Romulus looks at the watchtower. I hear the sound of the crossbow and watch an arrow jam itself in between Captain Romulus's eyes. He falls to the ground with a THUD. Casey and Zelda run out of the house. Zelda fires an arrow into the chest of an another Dark Knight.

"You little bitch! You've been harboring fugitives this whole time!" One of the Knights, a woman named Elsa, yells. "You swore allegiance to Ganondorf!"

"We were never on your side! That was only to protect Zelda, the true ruler of Hyrule, and her son, the prince!" I yell back.

"You're a traitor! And traitors must die!" The other Dark Knight says.

"We'll see about that!" Casey says as he and his mother stand next to me. We draw our weapons.

"This will be your last stand!" Elsa says.

Ganondorf's Soldiers
The Dark Knights


I clash swords with the female Dark Knight.

"Ganondorf will promote me once I bring back your corpse!" She snarls.

"Not gonna happen, bitch!" I smirk.

Casey comes up behind her with his sword raised. I duck and Casey beheads her. Her decapitated body collapses to the ground.


"Casey!" Beth screams, her sword is knocked from her hand.

I look over at Beth to see the male Dark Knight with the tip of his sword to her throat.

"Beth!" I scream and sprint her way.

The Dark Knight raises his sword to deliver the final blow. I reach Beth just as he's about to kill her. I swing my sword and the force of our blows knocks our swords out of our hands.

The Dark Knight runs for his sword. He grabs it and heads for the gate to Hyrule Field.

"Casey!" Mom calls.

I look her way and she tosses me her sword. As soon as it reaches my hand, I throw it at the Dark Knight. It finds its way into his back and, most likely, his heart.

The Legend of Zelda: The Sage of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now