Chapter 7: Spirit

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I arrive at the entrance to the Spirit Temple in the Desert Colossus. I tie Eaton to the stone arch outside the temple. I walk up the small staircase to the doorway and walk in.

When I walk through the doorway, I'm hit with a splitting headache. After a minute or so, It's gone. I step onto the moving platform in the middle of the room. The platform floats up into the ceiling which contains a large room.

I walk off the platform. As I each the center of the room, a woman drops from the ceiling and lands in front of me. She draws two Sheikan daggers. She looks up at me.

"Impa?" I ask with a gasp.

She says nothing.

Why didn't I think of that before? This place is called the Spirit Temple. When I got that headache, that must have been the Temple going into my memories and taking the spirits of people that I've been close to that have died. Good thing there's only one.

Zelda's Former Bodyguard

I draw my sword. Impa throws her daggers at me. I block them with my sword and shoot a blast of wind at her. The wind pushes her backward. She disappears.

Not long after she disappears, she comes back, but she's stronger than before. She somersaults into the air. She brings her heel down on the back of my head. I face plant hard into the ground. She backflips away from me.

I conjure a fireball and throw it at Impa. She throws a Deku Nut, which blinds me. For right now, I can't see shit. I close my eyes. I need to sense where Impa is at. I can feel her close by. I feel the air from a swing of a dagger because I was able to sense where she was going to attack from. I reach my hand out. She gasps. I open my eyes. My hand is inside of her chest, but there is no blood around my hand. My magic must has allowed me to phase my hand through her chest.

I can feel her heart inside of her chest. I grab it and rip it out of her chest. She gasps again. Her heart glows in my hand.

"Do it! Crush it and release me from this hell hole!" Impa begs.

I squeeze her heart until it becomes nothing but dust in my hand.

Impa vanishes. I pour the dust out of my hand and onto the floor.

A door opens on the other end of the room. I walk towards the door and enter the next room to claim my piece of the Light Arrows. Hopefully, Casey and Beth were able to get there piece from the Water Temple.

The room is dark. There is no sign of a piece of the Light Arrows.

"What the fuck is this?" I yell at the Temple. "I defeated Impa. She was the only one that you could have taken from my memories!"

"Impa was not the only one in your memories!" A man's voice comes from somewhere in the room.

The torches light and a man that is all too familiar stands in the middle of the room.

"Sheik!" I say in a stern tone.

Sheik was my alter ego all those years ago. I used him as a way to hide from Ganondorf and aid Link in his quest.

"So, the Spirit Temple pulled you from my memories, too." I say to him as we pace around the room in a circle.

"How does it feel to face yourself? Someone who knows all your moves. Along with all your weaknesses!" Sheik says. "You won't leave this Temple alive!"

"Let's test that theory." I say and draw my rapier.

Sheik, like Impa, draws a Sheikan dagger.

Sheikah Warrior

Sheik vanishes in a cloud of smoke. I look around, with my rapier raised, trying to see where Sheik will come from.

I dodge just as Sheik slashes from behind me. I kick him in the stomach and he disappears once again.

"You can't do this constantly, Sheik! Teleporting drains you! You're not the only one that knows all my weaknesses! I know yours, too!" I yell.

A cloud of smoke appears in front of me and reveals Sheik. He takes the Goddess's Harp from his back. I smirk.

He strums the Bolero of Fire. In an instant, a firewall closes us in the middle of the room. Round 2!

Sheik quickly strums the Prelude of Light. A beam of light shoots from the Harp. I block it with a shield of magic. He plucks three cords on the Goddess's Harp and each one shoots out a shockwave of magic. I slash the first two waves, but the third knocks me backward and leaves me open.

Sheik strums the Serenade of Water. A stream of water comes out of the Goddess's Harp. The water encases me in a bubble. A start to choke on water. I watch Sheik approach the bubble.

"I told you, Zelda. You're not leaving here alive." His voice is muffled from the water.

I cast a fireball, but hold it in my hands so that it builds up. Sheik sees it and knows what I'm doing, because he runs away. The fireball evaporates the water and I drop to the ground. I land of my feet with the fireball still in my hand.

"Din's Fire!" I shout and unleash the most powerful magic I've ever used.

Din's Fire spirals towards Sheik's back. In a fiery explosion, Sheik is no more.

The firewall drops. The Goddess's Harp lies on the floor. It begins to glow and change shape. The Harp morphs to become a piece of the Light Arrows. The Golden Arrowhead.

It floats into my hands and put in my Adventure Pouch.

I exit the Spirit Temple. Eaton waits for me at the arch. I hope on his back. I hope Casey and Beth had better luck than I did.

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