Chapter 12: The Darkness

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Beth dresses the wound on my arm. I sit on the edge of my bed, shirtless, as she does it.

"When are we going to attack?" I ask Mom.

"Tonight. We can't let them see us. It'll be just the three of us." Mom responds.

Beth finishes wrapping my arm.

"Can you move your arm?" Beth asks.

I move my arm up and down and side to side.

"There's a little bit of pain, but not much." I answer.

"Can you pull back your bow?" Mom asks.

I grab my bow and draw it back.

"Good. Your father will have his most powerful creatures guarding the throne room at the top of the castle." She says. "Get some rest, you two. We have a long night ahead." She walks out of the room.

I put on my shirt and lay down. Beth crawls in next to me. She lays her hand on my chest. I put my arm around her. The panic of me almost dying must have worn Beth out, because she's asleep within minutes.

That night...

"Casey. Beth. Wake up!" Mom says.

Beth rolls out of bed, literally. She falls face first on the floor.

"Ow!" She groans.

I swing my legs over the bed and get up. Beth gets up off the floor.

"Get your weapons. It's time to go." Mom says.

I strap my sword across my shoulder. Beth does the same. I pick up the Hero's Bow and sling my quiver over my other shoulder. Beth holsters her crossbow on her boot.

Hyrule Castle Gate

We stand outside the gate to Castle Town Market.

"ReDeads will be roaming the town. Try not to get bit." Beth tells us.

We walk as quietly as we can through the marketplace. The moaning of the ReDeads is so loud that I can barely hear myself think.

We put our backs to one of the burned buildings. Around the corner are three ReDeads. Beth unholsters her crossbow and I draw back my bow.

Beth and I fire our arrows into two of the ReDeads' heads and they fall dead. Mom conjures a fireball and torches the third ReDead.

We run through the rest of the marketplace, dodging ReDead after ReDead.

Finally, we make it to Hyrule Castle. Two massive doors block our way. Mom grabs the handle of one of the doors and I grab the other.

"You two ready?" She asks.

"As I'll ever be." Beth and I say in unison.

Mom and I push open the doors.

Hyrule Castle

We walk into the courtyard of the castle. Ak-Baba circle overhead. Beth and I shoot them out of the sky. There's another door at the far end of the courtyard.

We make our way to the door. It opens easily and we walk in. Inside is a small area with a staircase to the left. The stairs are covered with a red carpet.

We walk up the steps and go through another door. There is no light.

The room is empty. No guards or anything.

"Be careful, anything could be hiding here." Mom says.

Torches light and we're surrounded by Stalfos, Dinofos, Lizalfos, and Iron Knuckles.

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