The Bomb

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       As the detective and the other doctors went over to her she said.¨Do not come near me the bomb will go off in 4 hours and if you try to leave the men will kill you.¨As she said that the doctors and nurses started taking kids to the basement. Ava said¨That is not going to help the men are guarding the basement also.¨ We will all die.¨said Ava.As the detective called the bomb squad I asked Ava"Can you get the bomb off?"No it will blow up if I try to take it off."The detective said the bomb squad will not be here for a couple hours."Can we make a deal with them?"I asked Ava.She turned and looked at me then said"They said they wanted on of the detective boys and they will stop the bomb."I called the detective over and told her.She looked at me and said"I will make a plan to get Ava out of this."

     Once the bomb squad got to the hospital they got the bomb off Ava but the men did escape.As they did they stopped and grabbed the detective boys.Ava was now safe and we had to tell her."Your father passed away."Ava broke down in tears and said what am I going to do now.

      Once it was time to go the detective looked every where for her boys.She knew the men had go her boys and they had no way of contacting her.She broke down in tears and the boys dad came over and told her"We will find them."     

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