Chapter 22

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Both took a seat on the couch across from her Nana. Lena tried sit future down, distancing them some. But Damian wasn't having any of that pulling her so close she was basically on his lap. Lena felt a little uncomfortable, regardless if her Nana knew about them being mates. When she looked over seeing her Nana smiling in admiration. That seem to surprisingly relax her thoughts.

"Do you know how pleased I' am to know Damian is your mate" her Nana begun eagerly catching Lena's full attention. "I will be honest with you dear child, I've known he was your mate since you were a little girl. Well since he first ran into you that day in the woods" Claire smiles tenderly towards Damian.

Lena's cheeks flared up as her palms became sweaty from the sudden acknowledgment of what's being said. A hand slipped into hers, which seem to help calm her nerves.

"Damian and I are actually pretty close friends" Clair admits proudly. "But clearly not many people know that. And we would like to keep it that way if possible" her Nana's adds. Lena felt like she forgot how to talk as her Nana starting opening up new information to her. All she could do was stare and nod in understanding.

"Remember all the stories I told you as a child?" her nanny asks already knowing the answer to that. Still Lena's responses where slowly nodding her head.

"Well as you see those stories are very true, with some alternations for safety reasons. The only difference was the wolf wasn't the bad guy in the story. The true creature who killed my grandmother was a vampire" She corrects, with discuss in her tone using the word vampire. She stopped for a minute to let Lena, whose jaw was practically on the ground now, to process that part before she continues on.

"I know this, because I'm a little girl in the story" She clarifies.

Lena covers her mouth as a long gasp escapes her lips.

"You see, I was heading to my grandmothers who lived far inside the woods. My mother had made her some soup, along with baked goods till she got well again. She was feeling ill for quite some time, and needed someone to help look after her. When I got to her house I could sense something was off. Once I stepped foot into her cabin there was a distinct smell that made me want to vomit. An eerie feeling came over me as I called out for my grandmother. Carefully I walked towards her room where her door was slightly open, but not enough for me to see inside. I pushed it open slowly feeling my heart pound against my chest. That's when I saw this very pale man with long slicked black hair. He was holding my grandmother's limp body tightly to him. He seemed to be unaware of my presence till I sucked in a deep breath at the sight of my grandmother's limp arm falling to the side. He immediately snapped his head towards me with the blood from my grandmother dripping from his mouth. For a solid moment I froze in my spot as the soulless obsidian color eyes looked at me. My basket that I was carrying left my hand as a deadly scream ripped through my lungs. Forcing the vampire to cover his ears in agony, which spared me time to run for the door. Once making it outside knowing I had a chance to get away alive. Till my attention was redirected to a giant wolf. There he stood with fur black as the darkest night. His height looked bigger than any species of animal I've came across. You could feeling the power, and dominance that radiated off him like thunder after lighting strikes. The growling alone had me frozen like an ice sculptor. Never in my life, even to this day did I feel as terrified as I did in that moment. When the wolf launched forward at me, I was snapped of my thoughts, and quickly curled up in a ball on the ground. I thought that was the moment I was going to die. But when the impact from the wolf never reality seem to come back. Sounds of flesh ripping, and the snapping of bones exploded loudly around me. I was too scared to think about making an escape or a peek. I was hoping my stillness would make my existence forgotten by the beasts. I don't remember how much time had pass when a gentle hand touched my arm. A men spoke letting me know I was safe, and he wasn't there to harm me. That's day I met Damian, the man who saved my life" Clair clarifies smiling at Damien at the last part of her story.

"So wait" Lena finally spoke up after processing what her Nana just told her. "You're telling me that your little red riding hood, and a vampire not a wolf killed my great-great grandmother?"

"That pretty much sums it up" Damian pipes in from behind her.

"Why didn't you just tell us the true story?" She asks trying not to sound hurt that her Nana lied to her all these years.

"Because the vampire got away before Damian could kill him. He took my grandmothers body not far from her home. The body was demolished, because that thing was trying to make it look like the black wolf attacked her" Clair explains sounding sad, then angry.

"I tried to tell my parents it wasn't true, and whoever said that was lying. But they didn't believe me, because vampires rarely come into wolf territory. Few nights later, Damian came to let me know that it was best for everyone to believe the story for the time being. It was for my protection, and anyone who was connected to my blood" Clair finishes when a sigh.

"Something doesn't seem right still to me" Lena says thinking hard about the story. Her Nana went to explain more, but Lena's mind was racing with so many thoughts. Questions started to come out like word vomit. "If vampires don't come into wolf territory often, then how and why would your grandmother be attacked? Didn't anyone question how random the attack was? Or why an innocent older woman who was ill targeted? You also said that you held on to the truth for your protection, and anyone related through blood. Don't you think it's odd that many years later your granddaughter ends up being with the person that save you? Consequently, the same person that so many people think is a monster?"

"Now breathe" Damian tells her softly, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand trying to sooth her.

"The thing is, it wasn't just any ordinary vampire that killed my grandmother" Clair starts to elucidate to her. "He is the king of all vampires, to many stories people referred to him as Dracula. It's a little far catch if you ask me, but people believe what every they want"

"And for the mate situation. It's not odd, it was destined by the goddess herself that you guys were paired" Clair answered proudly. This time Lena's wasn't the only one surprised by her Nana's information regarding their bond. She noticed Damian went stiff which caught her attention, because that means this was new to him as well. Glancing over her shoulder to see a once well-tanned Damian now a few shades lighter.

"Damian? Are you okay?" Lena asks a little worried, because she never thought see would see the day when Damian looked fearful.

"Then that means" He started, but Claire chimed in.

"Yes, Lena carriers the gene that he's looking for" She confirms both their fears.

"Wait, what gene do I carry? And why do I have a feeling that there's something bad your about to tell me?" Lena questions looking between both her Nana and Damian.



**UPDATE (3/1/17)** I made some changes to this chapter, fixing so it made a little more sense with the whole vampire thing. I hope its better, at least for ones who already read this chapter LOL new readers please leaves your thoughts!

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