Chapter 58

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Blair sat there listening Lena's as she told her about what the witches discovered about their mark. Her mind felt like it was spinning with all the confusing information she was hearing. She was trying to piece everything she already knew from before to the new information.

"Why are you making weird faces?" Lena asked, getting irritated a little watching her while she spoke.

"My mind is going crazy with this" she replies while in her own thought.

"How do you think I feel? I'm the one having to deal with all this" Lena reminds her.

"I know that, just give me a minute to think here" Blair waves her off really thinking about all this. Lena didn't comment back just sat there staring at her cousin. After ten minutes of silence and Lena just watching her cousin like she was a T.V show. She was about to say she was done with this conversation for the day, but Blair spoke up just as her mouth opened.

"I think nana's real story that she told you awhile back, isn't fully accurate as she might think"

"Are you saying the story isn't true?" Lena questions.

"I don't think Damian or Nana is lying about the story or anything, but I think they were made to think something differently" Blair tries to explain.

"How so? Nothing seemed odd to me about the story" Lena states, not really following why Blair would think that.

"Honestly, I don't know, maybe I watch to many movies or something. But between Nanas story, your dreams, the events that happen since Damian came into the picture, and now these witches with your Mark-" Blair rambles on, but stops and stares off again.

"What is it Blair?"

"Your dreams and that weird riddle" Blair says sounding far away.

"What about it?" Lena urges her cousin to speak.

"You said Damian has met him, right?" Blairs asks.

"Yea or ran into him, I can't really recall at the moment" Lena answers not sure where this was going.

"I think we should ask him more about him, but not right now. Let's wait till after your witches voodoo whatever cult dance thingy happens" Blair replies waving it off for now.

"It's a ritual of some sort" Lena corrects rolling her eyes, but smiled at her cousins' smart remark.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever! So, when is it again?"

"Tomorrow night" Lena answers trying to hide her nervousness.


"Are you nervous at all?" Lena asks Damian staying close to him, as they make their way to where everyone was.

"Of course, it's just-" He goes answers.

"Well you're not showing it. I feel like a wreck, and this is all not going to end well" Lena rushes out, making Damian chuckle.

"Red, I know. I can feel your emotions, and trust me I'm worried too. I just had more time to practice how to control my emotions. I don't need you worrying more if you can feel my stress as well. In all honesty, deep down I think everything will be alright" He tells her trustfully.

"Really?" she asks stopping to look into his eyes.

"Really" he responds smiling. He cups her face before placing his lips to hers, feeling her worries melt away some.

"Okay, lets do this then" she whispers after they break the kiss.

"That's my girl" He says pulling her in his arms, making their way over to the fire.

It was starting to get dark out and it was a clear night, so the moon so very visible and bright. Lena stay by Damian side while they watch the sisters prepare for the ritual. She noticed there weren't a lot of people here, just a few top guards, her Nana, parents, and close family. Everyone seem to be doing something but her and Damian.

"Should we see if they need us to do anything?" Lena whispers up to Damian.

"No, we are good. They already informed everyone what they needed to do and what to expect" He tells her. Lena couldn't help feel useless just standing their watching everyone else do stuff. This was because of her, so she felt like she should be doing a lot more then stand there like she was some damsel in distress.

"You guys ready?" Rainea asks them. Lena couldn't speak, so she just looks up to Damian. He intertwines their fingers and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Yes, where would you like us" He asks.

"Right over here, but I need you to lay here and Lena over here" Rainea instructs. Even though Lena did not want to let go of Damian's hand, she knew she had no choice. Before she let her Damian places a kiss on her lips, telling her that he loves her. "I love you more" Lena replies smiling. Both of them taking their spot on the soft green gross as instructed.

Estella made her way over to where Damian and Lena laid, and sat between the both of them. Maevianna started to pour salt around them, as Lucinda places lite candle behind the line of salt. Lena noticed Tatiana was placing what looked like dry flowers, maybe an herb between the candles. "What are they doing?" Lena asks.

"They are placing a protective circle around us" Estella answers, but before Lena could question why. Estella was already giving them more instructions. "I need to take each of your hands in my mine. This will help me enter the realm you and your Nana went into, and also bring you two along as well"

They did as they were told as Estella went on to explain more. "When my sisters and I start our chant, we all most have our eyes closed and stay concentrated. This will not hurt, so there isn't anything to worry about". Soon Estella laid between the two with each of their hands in hers. The sisters and everyone but the guards gathered in a circle as they grabbed each other's hands.

"Before we start everyone must take a sip from the chalice" Tatiana states, which an antique looking metal cup.

"What's in it?" Blairs questions.

"Blood" Lucinda says.

"WHAT" a few squeaked.

"Lucinda" her sister scolded.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood that's all" Lucinda grumbles.

"Its just herbal drink to help keep everyone focused, that is all" Tatiana reassures everyone. Even though Blair wasn't going to say something, she noted to herself that she was going to pay back Lucinda one way or another after this was all through. When everyone was done taking a sip from the cup, Tatiana place it to the side before standing back in her place.

"Okay, Estella will start the chant and everyone will follow. Make sure no one breaks the circle no matter what happens" Tatiana explains. Blair went to asked what would cause them to break the circle, and what would happen. But she stopped herself when her eyes noticed something just beyond the circle.

"Hey do you see that?" Blair whisper to Ashton and nudging him with her shoulder.

"See what?" he whispers back, looking where see was.

"The tree"

"What about it?"

"It's a willow tree" she points out, but she could see he wasn't understanding. "Remember Lena telling us about the weird riddle in her dream" she reminds him, and he nods. "Something about finding the answer behind the weeping willow" she points out. When it finally clicked, Ashton looked back over. But before he could reply, Estella started the chant.


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Thanks again for all the feedback, votes and reading my story <3


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