cнapтer 4

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We hurry off into the woods. I hang back with octavia and blondie i feel like i should at least try to bond. Though apparently the teen drama never stops its like were inside a freaking tv show.

"Just case you get any ideas Finn's mine" octavia says to me and blondie glaring mostly at me.

"Just case you get any ideas i don't care" me and blondie say in sync, okay i really got to learn her name cause i get the vibe were going to get along.

Octavia apparently gets bored of us and rushes off to flirt with ninja kid though I'm getting the vibe his name is actually Finn. I walk up to jasper and monty, while Finn and octavia be all mushy. Finn gives her some purple flower. Seriously its cute and all but were on a survival mission and i don't want to die so focus.

"Now that my friend is game" jasper mutters nudging monty.

"How would you know you don't have any?" I say and jasper glares at me.

"That my friend is poison sumac" monty replies causing me to smirk as octavia quickly pulls it away from her ear.

"Poisonous" octavia exclaims and monty goes into one of his explanations.

"Can you guys try to keep up" blondie yells from ahead.

"Come on Clarke how can you block all this out" finn says.

"Well its simple i wonder why having we seen any animals maybe its because there are none maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us, sure is pretty though come on" Clarke then continues walking well that was positive. Octavia being a brat just has to comment

"Some should slip her some poison soon" she jokes rudely.

"If anyones getting poisoned its you" i mutter luckily this time no one heard me. Jasper laughs but I'm not quite sure which comment he found amusing.


"So i gotta know what you too did to get busted" Finn speaks up, directing his question to jasper and monty.

"Sumac's not the only herb they grow in the garden if you what i mean-" monty begins

"-Someone forgot to replace what we took" jasper interrupts.

"Ive apologised for that like a thousand times" monty argues back.

Yes my best friends were drug growing dorks. Id be lying if i said i hadn't considered getting new friends about a billion times over the years.

"What about you umm.." Finn begins to ask.

"Hayden, its Hayden. I stole medicine you know a-typical crime trying to be all heroic and stuff" i say not really bothering to elaborate.

In all honesty there was no heroic backstory to my crime. Some idiot dared me to steal something so obviously i did.

"Really i thought you'd be apart of their "herb" growing" Finn replies gesturing towards monty and jasper.

"Yeah me too" i say sending a glare in there direction.

His words remind of my small little grudge towards the two idiots. You see they completely forgot to inform me about what they were doing. I know its stupid to be angry over such a thing, but we literally did everything together.  I just assumed criminal activity just naturally followed that rule. So in retaliation i just "forgot" to attend the lockup's prison day, well until i was practically forced.


It was visiting day for the lockup and as i had done for the last 4 months i was planning on steering right clear. I know i was being petty, but now i was alone and friendless. I was offended they couldn't be bothered trusting me with something that serious. Yes it may not seem like much but this is the ark its hella serious. I kept wondering if they thought i would of reported them. That just made me more angry.

So i decided to just lay in bed and be moody all day because why not. Jasper's mum would give me the updates on the all exciting life of a criminal. She had made it her duty to remind me of these stupid days ever since she found out i didn't attend the first one.

No matter what i said she still came by every day week reminding me as if she believed i simply forgot to go. So once again here i was preparing myself for another convincing speech on why i couldn't attend from momma Jordan to delinquent day.

As if on queue i heard the knock at the door. I groaned and rolled off my bed, mentally going over every possible excuse. I literally couldn't think of anything other the one i had used the last 4 times i was feeling under the weather. Horrible i know but its all i could think of when she put me on the spot.

As expected i swung open the door to her overly warm smile. Ugh i suppose to her this was a fantastic day, the sun was shining oh wait its always shining we live in flipping space. Anyways back to my own personal showing off momma Jordan and the amazzzzing day.

To her this was the only chance she got to she her darling, delinquent twat of a son. Of course no matter how annoyed i was she literally made you go from plotting murder to wanting bake cupcakes and sing Christmas carols in seconds. She was a literal a ray of sunshine.

"Hayden dear good to see you, i was just talking to your dad he told me your finally feeling better so i just thought id come round to get you for visiting day jasper and monty are going to be over the moon, they've being hoping you'd visit for so long" she rambled on the huge smile never leaving her face.

So just like that was forced into going. Even worse i was now forced to wait with an overly eager mother and 100's of happy people, kill me please. Finally we were let into the meeting room, my eyes only had to scan the room twice before they were met with the sight of monty and jasper sitting passing the time by playing some random card game like the dorks they are. As we moved towards them they looked up both of theirs eyes widened at the sight of me. And within ten minutes the anger was gone because of cause there major dorks but there all i have


I decided i would go see them from then on but turns out next time i would be sitting beside them instead of visiting.

"What about you octavia, what they get you for?" Jasper asks, i sense this is not going to end well.

"Being born" she says storming off.

"That is so not game" monty says nudging him.

I take it further and elbow him to the stomach causing him to let out a shout but unfortunately it didn't hurt as much as i intended.

"What is with you abusing me today?" He asks annoyed.

"Stop being an insensitive twat, would you" i say storming off as well.

Yes i dislike octavia but jasper still needs to shut his mouth sometimes. Once I'm ahead i turn around to see monty and jasper playfully hitting each each other there such dorks i swear. Suddenly i pulled to the ground by Clarke and shushed. They gesture forward to something as i turn my head i see it, a deer.

What was Clarke saying about no animals. We sat there for a moment and marvelled at it. Finn moves towards it cautiously as to avoid scaring it. As he moves he snaps a twig and it quickly flings its head up and turning. Thats when we see it the thing has two flipping heads.

In shock i fall backwards luckily jasper leans forwards and catches me before i hit the ground. I can feel the panic rising in me if that happens to the animals what the hell could radiation do to us. The deer runs off leaving us in a deafening silence.


A/n: yayyy chapter 4,  i kind of wanted to get to the end of episode 1 in this chapter because i feel like i should be further in the storyline after 4 chapters but anyways


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