cнapтer 9

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we all sat in silence for the next few hours waiting for god knows what. Luckily murphy wasn't very persistent and he quickly stopped the trying to get up. In his absence he left an exceptionally awkward silence. The only sound was the occasional groan every now and again from jasper.

I sat slouched in a corner head in my hands, i wasn't an idiot i knew murphy was going to kill jasper eventually we couldn't spend the rest of our lives locked in here.

Eventually i hear the sound of the door opening from below and realised the fog must have cleared. Well at least everyone has something else to do than  sit around plot jasper's murder. That's a relief, though it only causing the silence to get worse.

No body felt in the mood to talk and we all separated to different corners. Now all we had left to do was wait, wait until we couldn't wait anymore and had to accept jasper's impending doom. Though that moment wasn't going to come anytime soon.


Finally Clarke and Finn returned to camp. Clarke's authority put murphy in his place and we could all finally stop worrying at jasper dying by murphy's hands. Though the threat he would die was still very much real as we watch on while Clarke treated his wound.

Finally Clarke must of decided her work was done as she abruptly left heading back outside. The silence returned till Finn reached inside his jacket and pulled out a bottle of alcohol. Now normally i would refuse if someone offered me some but when Finn extended out his arm bottle in hand i took it. Why the hell not the way things are going i'll be dead by week's end might as well live a little.

"Can i...get a hit of that" a voice interrupted.

Jasper was awake and as per usual wasn't going to miss out on the fun. We all ran over to him, as Finn grabbed some water. Once he'd weakly attempted to have some i launched myself onto him.

"Oh for flip sake you stupid idiot i thought you were dead god i hate you" i complained reluctantly letting him go.

"Well aren't you just an expert at welcome back from the dead speeches" he replied weakly grinning.

Monty came up and gave him a smile grabbing his hands. I could literally see the sunshine radiating off monty, he was just a happy as i was, we had our best friend back.

"Was that a dream or did i get speared" jasper says amused.

"You'll have an impressive scar to prove it" Clarke replies appearing at the ladder.

"My saviour" jasper says grinning, the dork vibes were literally radiating off him.

"thank you" Clarke says smiling "for not dying i don't think i could of taken that today"

"I'll try not to die tomorrow to if that's cool" he says laughing.

"Nah its fine you can die tomorrow" i throw in.

"Ahh come on hade i just had a near death experience cant you be nice for ten seconds" jasper complains causing me to laugh.

"god i never thought i say it but i seriously missed your stupid comments" i reply.

"Well i sure as hell didn't" monty adds in and we all laugh.

I move away and lean back against the wall letting out a sigh of relief. My life was back to normal, well as normal as life can get on earth i suppose. Soon everyone started to clear out to get a few hours of sleep. Me on the other i wasn't going anywhere i just got my best friend back. Alright so maybe it had a little something with my fear of the dark as well. No i mean it was totally 100% to do with jasper.

"Let me guess still afraid of the dark" jasper says once everyone had left.

"Maybe" i said with a shy grin.

"Your scared of the stupidest things i swear" jasper says shaking his head.

"Your so mean whatever i'm going to go find monty" i say going to stand up.

"Get over here stupid" he exclaims motioning me over.

I crawl over to him and lay down. We sit in silence after that. The silence drives me mad for i can hear all to much. I can hear the sound of his chest moving up and down with every breath and the quiet beat of his heart.

I can hear it all and it makes me feel safe and terrified all at once. I shouldn't feel weird this isn't the first time jasper has stayed with me because i cant stand the dark alone, but this time just felt different. The question of why played in the back of my mind over and over again till sleep pulled me under it spell and i went out like a light.


A/n: so i dunno about this chapter this book has to much sleeping and i feel like i described her listening to his heart and breathing and that other mushy stuff before so idk but oh well it will do

👊🏻 ADIOS 👊🏻

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