Chapter 1: Two weeks

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~1 week after crash~
The beautiful orange and pink sky woke Hailey up from her restless sleep. Ever since her parents left, she's been a complete wreck. She stays up all night, doesn't eat, and when she does sleep she gets nightmares. Hailey tries to keep herself healthy, but she hasn't been able to since last week, the week of her parents death. Hailey groaned, but got up. She went to her suit case and pulled out her clothes. She picked her straightener, headband, makeup, and her shoes up, from the bag. Hailey went to the bathroom and began getting for her big day. She changed clothes, straightened her hair, put her headband in, and slid her converses on. She went back to her room and grabbed her diary. Hailey opened it and grabbed a pencil from her bag.

'Dear diary,
It's me again. Today, my social worker found me a home and I leave this place. It has so many wonderful memories here and I won't get to make anymore. My body feels like it's going to explode, from bottling up all of my emotions.
Everyone has been asking me how I've been. I would usually say, "I'm fine," or, "I feel much better, thank you." No one really wants to hear the truth, everyone either doesn't care or they don't want to do anything about it. Why would someone ask how you're doing when they don't want the truth? Is it just programmed in their minds and after they feel like they've accomplished something? From here on out, I will have a smile on my face and hope to get through the day.
~Sincerely Hailey B.

A small tear escaped her watery eye. She quickly wiped it away and put her diary in her bag. She put her hoodie on, then slung the bag over her shoulder, and headed downstairs, towards the front door. Her cold, small hand collapsed around the doorknob and opened the door.
The cool, fresh air smack against her exposed skin. She walked to the first step and sat herself down on the cold concrete. Her small, fragile legs stretched out and tangled together. She looked around the yard, already feeling homesick. Hailey waits for her social worker, Judy, to arrive.
A distant honk pulled Hailey out of her thoughts. She looked at the unfamiliar car and women. The woman confidently walked towards a confused Hailey. She stood in front of Hailey and stared down at her. Hailey felt uncomfortable from her constant stare.
"Hailey Brown," the woman questioned. Hailey nodded and raised her right eyebrow.
"I'm Lindsey Roberts and I'm here to take you to Judy. She couldn't make it, she had to talk to your foster parents." Hailey nodded, taking in the information, and looked down at the most interesting thing at the moment, the ground.
"Come, we have a lot to do today," Lindsey said. Hailey got up from her spot and followed Lindsey to the car, they climbed in. Hailey pulled the seatbelt across her body and to the buckle. Lindsey started the car and they drove off. Hailey grabbed her phone and plugged in her headphones.
Hailey's bright blue eyes scanned out the window while she listened to her favorite band. A light droplet hit the glass. One became two, two became three, and then became millions of little droplets hitting the car. Hailey had a faint smile appear on her small, pink lips. She wanted to stop the car and just dance in the rain, but she knew that was never going to happen. Hailey closed her eyes and dreamed of all the times her family ran outside and danced in the rain. All of those dreams seemed to have faded away from her mind.
Lindsey stopped the car and they both ran inside the nearby building. Hailey heard a few mutters coming from Lindsey. Hailey smirked and ran her hand through her hair. Lindsey began walking to Judy's office and Hailey followed close behind. Lindsey stopped in front of a door and turned to Hailey.

"Just go inside and she should be in there," she said. Hailey nodded and went inside the office. Judy was sitting at her desk, phone to her ear, and she smiled at Hailey's presence. Judy waved for Hailey to come in and Hailey put on a fake smile. Hailey closed the door and then sat in one of the two chairs in front of Judy's desk. Judy ended the phone call and gave a heart warming smile.

"How are you feeling dear," asked Judy, with an apologetic smile.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Hailey lied.

"Come child, we have to meet your foster parents," Judy said while grabbing her fluffy coat. They went to the familiar black car and quickly climbed inside.

"The movers should already be getting your stuff and taking it to your new house," Judy commented while pulling out of the parking lot.

"Who are my foster parents," Hailey asked.

"Mike and Brooke Walls, they have two sons. I'm surprised you didn't know that. Your mother specifically said to put you with them if something happens. Oh well, it doesn't matter."

"Is one of the sons' name Luke Walls?"

"Why yes. Do you know him?" Hailey nodded with her eyes wide. She tucked her hands in her hoodie pocket and stared out the window.

Luke Walls is the most popular kid in school. He plays every sport there is, makes honor roll, class clown, and he bullies people like Hailey. She let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes. The words breath in, breath out kept running through her head. Hailey opened her eyes and looked out the window.

Hailey grabbed her phone and went through her social media. By the time she was done, they had arrived at the house. She saw the basketball goal and trampoline in the backyard. There was her new "family" in the front yard.

Their eyes followed the car until it went to a complete stop. Brooke and Mike smiled at Hailey's direction while Luke busied himself with his basketball. The other son, Doug, was on his phone. Hailey climbed out of the car and walked toward the family. Judy followed quickly behind and put her hand on Hailey's shoulder.

"Hailey, I would like you to meet Mike, Brooke, Doug, and Luke," Judy said when they stopped in front of them. Luke stared at Hailey, but no one seemed to notice.

"Oh this is going to be a blast," Hailey thought sarcastically.

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