Chapter 9: Love Birds?

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Hailey's eyes fluttered open as the sun's light shinned through the windows. She looked at her surroundings and smiled to herself. Memories of yesterday ran through her mind. The question, the kiss, and the walk home. The discussions of the past and how foolish they were to not see how much they liked each other.

Hailey's cheeks flushed a bright pink as she recalled the kiss. After remembering the kiss, she believed that nothing could ruin her day. She rolled out of bed and checked the time, 5:04 AM. Her shoulders, instinctively, shrugged and her legs carried her to the closet. She still had three hours until school started, but she didn't care.

Hailey got herself ready for school and placed her body in her desk chair. She grabbed her sketch book and a pencil. A pencil that Hailey called "her thinking pencil." Hailey smiled as she picked the pencil up, thinking of what she would draw. Her face lit up with excitement as she chose what she was going to draw.

Her hand was numb. All feeling was gone when she drew. She could never shake the feeling when she drew. This feeling made her love the idea of drawing. Her feelings would always show in her drawings.

Hailey smiled at her work and sat it to the side. She checked the time, 7:26 AM, and grabbed her bags. Her step had a skip to it as she walked downstairs. With a smile on her face, Brooke and Luke knew something was up.

"What are you smiling about," Brooke asked as she wiped the counter off.

"Oh nothing. It's just a beautiful day, is it wrong to be happy about that," Hailey questioned.

"No. It's good to finally see you happy," Brooke said as she observed Hailey. Luke pulled out his phone and started texting someone. Mike came in and sat at the table.

"Hey, Dad," Luke said to his father as he put his phone up.

"Hey, kiddo," Mike said as he wiped his nose with a tissue.

"Are you calling in," Brooke asked him.

"Yeah. I'm not feeling to well for some reason."

"Oh. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"Hailey, let's go," Luke called to her. Hailey nodded and stuck a piece of toast in her mouth.

"Hope you feel better, Mike," Hailey said as she closed the door. They walked outside and, immediately, Luke bombed Hailey with questions.

"Why are you so happy? Did you do something this morning? No one can be this happy. Are you doing dr-"

"Luke! I'm happy because something happened yesterday and it made me happy today," Hailey cut him off.

"What happened? You can't back out of it now because you already opened your mouth."

"Derek asked me out," Hailey mumbled. Luke's eyes widened and his mouth opened.

"What," Hailey asked when she saw his reaction.

"Finally," Luke exclaimed as he shook Hailey's shoulders. Hailey laughed at his childish behavior.

"Did he kiss you?"

"Yes. We also kissed the day before."

"The day of the romantic date?"



"After you left to get the food."

"Oh my gosh. That's why you were blushing so much! I thought he just complimented you, not kiss you!"

"Well, I mean, it is what it is," Hailey said as they walked inside the school. Luke face-palmed and sighed. Hailey giggled and playfully pushed him. He laughed and pushed her back. Hailey stumbled back, but quickly regained her balance.

"I have to go to my locker," Hailey said.

"Alright. I'll see you in class."

Hailey nodded and walked away from him. She got to her locker and changed her books. When she closed the door, two large arms wrapped around her waist. Hailey quickly turned around and saw Derek. She relaxed and rested her head on his chest.

"You scared me," she whispered. Derek chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Hailey said as she saw people staring at them. There were only a few glares, but most of them were smiling.

"Everyone seems to be taking this okay," Hailey said as she pulled away and they started walking to class.

"Yeah. After, I told them off," Derek said. Hailey stopped and looked up at him, confusion written on her face. Derek saw and sighed.

"When I told my other friends, they went around and told everyone else. They started hating on you, but my friends and I stood up for us," he explained.

"This all happened in one night," Hailey asked, not believing it.


"How come you didn't tell Luke?"

"I did tell Luke, but he texted me this morning saying how happy you were and I told him to pretend not to know about us."

"Why? That makes no sense."

"I wanted to see if that was why you were so happy and I wanted you to tell Luke so he could tell me."

"So, Luke was pretending the whole time?"


Hailey shrugged her shoulders and sighed. Derek locked their hands together and they walked down the hallway. Everything was finally going great for Hailey. She was finally happy. She had two amazing friends, one being her boyfriend and the other being her brother. Well, not by blood, but you get the point.

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