Chapter 7: Love Expert

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"Beep!Beep!Beep!Bee-" a single finger stopped the alarm.

Hailey threw the cover off of her warm body and sat up. She swung her legs to the edge of the bed and rubbed her eyes. Her body lazily stood up and walked to the closet. She picked out a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. She walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

Hailey turned the light on and grabbed her straightener. She unrolled the chord and plugged it up. She turned the straightener on with a flick of a button and sat it on the bathroom sink. Hailey went to the toilet and urinated for what seemed like hours. Flushing the toilet, she went to the sink and washed her small hands. Her hands moved together and covered every inch with soap. She rinsed and turned the faucet off.

Changing clothes and throwing the dirty ones in the basket. Hailey then brushed her teeth and her hair. She made sure there weren't any tangles. Her left hand lightly touched the upper part of the straightener, testing the heat. Satisfied, Hailey picked I up and straightened her curly hair.

After straightening her hair, she picked up her makeup kit and sat it on the sink. Hailey put the straightener away and opened the kit. She put on her normal amount and closed the box. She put it back under the sink and washed the makeup off her hands. Hailey grabbed her deodorant and put it on her armpits.

Hailey ran her fingers through her hair and stepped out of the bathroom. She grabbed her socks and shoes, putting them on. Her small hand grabbed her backpack and P.E. bag. She threw them over her shoulders and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She put her headphones in and listened to the newest album of her favorite band.

Hailey walked downstairs and out the door. She walked to the school and then her locker. Across her locker was Luke and Erica arguing. Erica stormed off and Luke aggressively ran his hand through his hair. He walked in the classroom and sat in his normal seat.

Hailey walked in and sat in her own seat. Luke saw her and walked to her. Hailey pulled her headphones out of her ears and put them away. He sat in the seat in front of her.

"Hailey, I need your help. I messed up, big time," he said to her.

"What happened?"

"She accused me of cheating and we got into this huge argument. I need your help to win her back."

"Why my help?"

"Because you're a girl and you've read many romance stories. You can help me create a romantic scenery. We can skip class and set it up," he said hopefully.

"I don't know, Luke. Skipping class-"

"Please Hailey. Derek will be there," he said. Hailey looked unsure, but nodded.


"Thank you so much. I own you," he said as he grab her arm. He passed Derek and grabbed his arm. Luke pulled them to the front of the school and to his truck.

"Where to?"

"We need to go to the house and cook her favorite meal. Then we go to the beach and get everything ready," Hailey replied. Luke nodded and pulled out of the school's parking lot.

"What are we doing," Derek asked them.

"We are helping Luke win Erica back," Hailey replied.

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