Chapter 6: Secret Spot

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~Skip to Monday~


Hailey's index finger tapped her phone, turning the alarm off. She got up and stretched. Hailey walked to her closet and picked out her outfit. She grabbed a black tank top, a purple hoodie, and a pair of skinny jeans. Her tired body walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

Hailey changed clothes, brushed her teeth, and used the bathroom. She turned the straightener on and then grabbed her makeup container. Hailey put on her normal amount of makeup and then brushed her hair. She grabbed the straightener and straightened any curls that were visible.

Turning the straightener off and putting it up. Hailey walked back to her room, throwing her pajamas in the laundry basket as she walked past it, and grabbed her shoes. She laid them in front of her bed and then grabbed a pair of socks. Hailey put her socks and shoes on and then grabbed her bags.

Hailey flung her backpack across her shoulders and onto her back. She repeated this step to her gym bag. With her gym bag laying on top of her backpack, she then grabbed her sketch book and headphones. She picked her phone and charger up as she walked passed her nightstand. Hailey walked downstairs and was about to walk out of the house, but Luke stopped her.

"Hailey wait," he called out. Hailey stopped and turned around. Luke grabbed two apples and jogged to her. He tossed one of the apples to Hailey and they both exited the house.

"Aren't you riding with your friends," Hailey questioned as she took a bite out of her apple.

"Nah, Ben isn't feeling too well. He's staying home and I figured I could walk with you today."


"I don't know. I just felt like it."

"If the students see us together, it would ruin your reputation."

"So what. I'm walking with you and if someone has a problem with it then they have to go through me."

"Alright," Hailey said unsure. She took a bite out of her apple and tossed it to the nearby trash can.

"Aren't you hungry," Luke asked as he threw his finished apple in the trash.

"I'm not a breakfast eater."


"How do you think you're going to do on the test?"

"What test?"

"Mrs. Bee's math test."

"Oh crap! I forgot we even had a test."

"I figured. Reach in my backpack and grab my blue folder, please," Hailey said as she stopped walking. Luke unzipped her backpack and searched the blue folder. He pulled it out and zipped it back up.

"Here," he said as he handed it to her. Hailey opened the folder and pulled out a piece of paper.

"And here you go. It has all the formulas, questions, and answers to the test," she said as she handed it to him.

"How do you know this? Are you some kind of hacker?"

"No. I paid attention to class when she told us which questions were going to be on the test. Mrs. Bee told us every question that was going to be on the test. You and your buddies were messing around with paper airplanes."

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