Chapter 8: Wanna See Something

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Hailey awoke from her peaceful sleep. Confusion was clear on her face. She picked her phone up and checked the time, 9:42 AM. Hailey's eyes widen and she got up. Brooke opened the door and walked in.

"I figured you wanted to stay home," Brooke told her.

"Well, I mean-"

"It's okay, you can miss today. I called the school and told them that you were sick."

"Thanks Brooke."

"No problem. Oh, Derek is getting your make-up work and he'll bring it to you after school," she said as she walked out of her room. Hailey nodded and Brooke left completely.

"I can't believe I forgot to set my alarm," Hailey muttered.

Hailey sighed and went to her bathroom. She put toothpaste on her toothbrush and wet it. Her hand lazily brushed her teeth and rinsed. She put the toothbrush up and slowly brushed her hair. Hailey went back to her room and sat in her desk chair. She pulled her diary out and opened it. She grabbed a pen and began writing.

"Dear diary,
I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been super busy with Luke and Derek. Luke has read you, if you didn't know, and he started apologizing. He's tried his best to make me feel better. Luke has involved me into his life and I'm sorta grateful. I mean how am I supposed to be grateful for being involved into someone's drama? Oh well, at least he's trying.

Then there's Derek. Derek asked me on a date this Friday and that made me the happiest girl alive. We also kissed last night! It was so amazing! His lips were absolutely terrific! He told me that he fell for me! I could've passed out because it was so amazing.
I have to go now, I'll write back to you tonight.
~Sincerely Hailey B.

Hailey put the diary back in its place and grabbed the remote to the radio. She pressed the on button and turned it down the volume. She hooked her phone to it and played a relaxing song. Hailey then picked her sketch book up and a few pencils. She sat on her bed and opened to an empty page.

Hailey began sketching freely. She let her hand and her mind control what she was sketching. She didn't have any thoughts or sounds in her mind. The song that was playing turned into a background noise. Everything around her was considered a background noise.


After countless hours of drawing, school let out. Any minute now, Derek would be over to give Hailey the homework. She knew this and she quickly got up. She was very fast at getting ready. Hailey put on some makeup and fixed her hair.

Suddenly, she had the urge to go to the woods. She wanted to go to the spot. Hailey packed her bag with the supplies she would need, including a rope. She slung the bag across her shoulder and walked downstairs. Hailey opened the door and there stood Derek.

"Hi," she said as she smiled.

"Hi," he said, returning the smile.

"Come in," Hailey said as she stepped aside and opened the door a little more. Derek walked passed Hailey and looked around the house.

"I brought your school work," he said as he held it towards her. Hailey took it and sat it on the counter.

"Thanks. Do you wanna see something," Hailey asked him curiously.

"Umm, sure," he said unsure. His right eyebrow rose up and looked at her with curiosity filled in his eyes. Hailey took his hand and tugged at it.

"Well, come on," she said as they walked out of the house and out the door. Hailey pulled Derek along and he smiled behind her. His eyes wandered around her backside. She felt his loving stare, but decided to ignore it.

Hailey took them to her secret spot and tied the rope to a nearby tree. She lowed herself inside and Derek followed in after. Hailey jumped when she saw the ground clearly. She took out a flash light and shinned the light around them. Her gaze went to the little pond she found last time. Derek followed her gaze and stared in aw.

"So beautiful," he whispered as he looked at Hailey.

"I know. The pond is so beautiful to look at," Hailey said with her back still turned towards him.

"I wasn't talking about the pond, I was talking about you."

Hailey turned around with her cheeks blushing bright red and her head hanging down.

"You're so cheesy," Hailey muttered as she tired to cover her blushing cheeks. Derek let out a throaty laugh and pulled Hailey into a hug. Hailey felt the vibrations from his chest and smiled. She pulled away and sat on the ground, next to the pond.

Derek sat next to her and pulled her into his lap. Hailey looked up and smiled at Derek. He smiled back and leaned his head down. Ever so lightly, Derek grazing his lip across Haileys'.

"Will you be my girlfriend," he asked her, looking deep in her eyes.

"I thought we were already together," Hailey said while giggling. Derek laughed and then crashed his lips with Haileys'. When they pulled apart, Derek looked at her and smiled.

"We were, but I wanted to ask you formally," he said.

"Oh, being Mr. Romantic. I see," Hailey said jokingly. Derek shut her up with another kiss.

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