Chapter 2: School Talks

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The movers already dropped her stuff off and Mike put them in her room. Hailey sighed as everyone piled into the kitchen. Judy rested her hand on Hailey's shoulder.

"Since we have everything sorted, I don't see why I have to stay," Judy said. Hailey looked up at her and frowned. Judy grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. Hailey took a deep breath and then turned to her foster family.

"I'm going to my new room and start unpacking," Hailey said.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, I just need some time to adjust," Hailey said quickly. Brooke and Mike nodded and left the kitchen. Hailey sighed and went upstairs, to her room. She remembered where to go, thanks to Mike, and took a left. She opened her door and was greeted by a room full of boxes.

Hailey took her hoodie off and pulled her hair up in a messy bun. She plugged her headphones in and picked up the smallest box in the room. Her small fingers pealed the tape off and opened the box. In it was her undergarments, pajamas, and socks. She opened her drawer and put everything in it except her pajamas. Hailey opened another drawer and laid her pajamas in.

Throughout the day, Hailey unpacked, hung up the lights, and pictures. Her room was exactly the same and she sighed. Hailey picked up her guitar and sat it next to her bed. She laid on her bed and curled into a little ball, ready to go to sleep.

"Knock! Knock," Hailey heard.

"Come in," she said restlessly. Luke walked in and looked around. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Not bad for a geek," he said playfully.

"What do you want," Hailey asked while sitting up to look at him.

"Brooke wanted me to tell you that diner is ready," he said while picking up her sketch book. Hailey walked up to him and grabbed it from his hands.

"Well, you can tell Brooke that I'm not hungry," she said while putting the book back on the desk. Luke nodded and looked down at her.

"Alright shorty," he said while smiling proudly at his comment. Hailey rolled her eyes and looked down. Luke smirked and turned to leave.

"Oh and one more thing, don't talk to me in school tomorrow, unless I come and talk to you," he said.

"Trust me, I wouldn't want to be seen talking to someone like you, it could ruin my reputation as a geek," Hailey said sarcastically and smiling innocently at him. He rolled his eyes and left.

Hailey huffed and then grabbed her pajamas. She made her way to the bathroom, that is connected to her room, and turned on the shower. She waited for it to warm up before she got in. Hailey began washing and rinsing. When she finished, she dried off and put her pajamas on, leggings and a hoodie.

Hailey brushed her wet hair and laid in her bed. She grabbed her diary and pencil. Her small and pale hands opened the diary and began writing.

"Dear diary,

its me again. I moved into my new home and I finished unpacking. Mike and Brooke seem nice, along with Doug, Luke is still annoying as ever. They haven't asked about my parents' death, but they want to know how I've been holding up. Doug and Luke don't really care though, but they're boys. I wonder what school will be like tomorrow, I bet it will be the same since I don't have any friends. Oh well.

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