25 ➸ hello

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Hello by Adele

Warning; this chapter is slow at first, but DON'T skip it. The ending will make it worthwhile; this chapter leads into the INSANE chapters that will follow.


I just wanted to quickly put out that if you see anyone with the whole Dawn's daughter and Grady Memorial Hospital idea, please let me know. I'm confident no one has based their story off of that part of Season 5, and it's my original idea. Please be original, for the love of god.


Any last predictions?

[Comment if Hello by Adele fucks you up too.]

Word count;; 5674.


All that my vision could grant me was the dull colors of grey and red.

Grey buildings, red cars. Grey clouds, red shoes . Grey ash, red blood.

Daryl was taking the lead down the abandoned, city streets, a gun balanced with both of his righteous hands, his crossbow slung behind his back. The arrows peaked over the wings knitted into his jean jacket, and he felt my gaze on him, glancing back to scowl me in the eye. Daryl wore a look of grimace, turning back towards the apocalyptic streets and leading us to our destination.

Dainty footsteps shuffled at my right, and I almost mistook them for dead ones.

Sage Riley. Her shoulders were pushed back with strength, bringing upon a new kind of demeanor for my arctic eyes to convey. Dressed in light blue jeans, a thin hoodie cloaked over a heavy, dark jean jacket with navy blue high-tops supporting her ragged footsteps as she molded into the rain puddles beneath her feet. A pistol was held firmly in her right hand, with a rifle tossed over her shoulder and dangling down to the back of her knees. Her sandy hair careless into a side braid, her face gently trickled with dirt and ash. Sage's grey eyes blazed ahead of her, not minding my gaze upon her.

Her mind was elsewhere.

[Do you guys have anyone in particular that you imagine Sage as? I began this story with envisioning her as Joanna Kutcha, but lately I have had other ideas. Anyone think differently?]

I followed my girlfriend's lethal glare, drifting my vision to a grey building.

Grady Memorial Hospital.

Her lips pursed in pain, in reconciliation, in memoriam.

Sage seemed to have gripped her gun a little tighter beneath her wounded fingers. I saw strength berrading her somber eyes, and yet, I also detected weakness. Her strength was on the surface;her weakness swimming in the grey clouds of her vision.

She'll be facing her past, and living her present, I thought. Beth is in there, but so are her memories. Her burdens, her scars, her suffrage. Behind those hospital walls are a version of your love that you have never encountered. A version that has seen grief beyond the perseverance of the dead.

Cars were toppled over, bodies scattered on the streets. We walked down the city of Atlanta, only a mile's radius away from the destination of my family, and of Sage's dread.

Sage ➸ Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now