What's With the Hair?

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Okay, so I told all of you about Bert in the previous chapter.

In July, 2015, we went to 4-H Regionals together. That was last time I ever rode him (and he did fantastic, as always).

A few weeks after the show, I went out to his pasture just to go say HI to him.

Between Regionals and then I had cut a good 4-5 inches off my hair, and looked slightly different.

I walked up to the gate and whistled. Bert looked at me and started trotting towards me.

I went into the pasture and wrapped my arms around Bert's neck, hugging him. He tucked in his head, his way of hugging someone back.

After that, he looked at me, and started smelling and nuzzling my hair with his nose. He had noticed the change.

"You like it?" I asked.

Bert swung his nose back up to my head.

"I'll tale that as a yes."

This may sound weird, but I'm pretty sure Bert thiught he was a person. Just little personality traits were there that showed he thought he was just like us.

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