A bunch of my experiences with horses.
Many things in my life have opened up because of these gentle beasts. They care about us, and these are just some things that have happened between me and my own horses.
You know how they say that everything that could possibly go wrong at your horse's first big show does? Well, they're not entirely wrong...
We all love going to a horse show and seeing the shiny coats and fancy show outfits, but when your horse is nervous, it's not the most fun experience.
Night 1: Thursday My trainer hauled Cody over to the show grounds and all was good. He loads easy, always has. I introduce him to his home for the next four days, and I have never seen him happier than he was in his stall with those shavings! He was laying down within twenty minutes of being in there! (He probably hasn't been stalled since he was three, so shavings were like brand new to him.)
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The other people I was showing with were surprised to see him on his feet at all that weekend! (Just to be clear, he was not sick or injured. He was in no pain while he was laying down, or standing up for that matter. He was enjoying the shavings, as he had never had them before.)
So, later that night I took him for a ride in the new arena, just to get him used to everything. He had never been in there, so just basic stuff, walk / trot only. Just show him that nothing is going to kill him.
The ride went perfect, I couldn't jave asked for anything better in a brand new arena!
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(Also, I know it's a bad pic but ehh)
Day 2: Friday
So I wake up at 4:00am so that I can ride before the cows move into the arena for the morning (oh yeah, there are cow and sheep, too). We get saddled up and head over to the arena.
On the way there, guess what we saw! A cow! Guess what Cody had never seen before! A cow! Guess who almost got trampled! Me!
So Cody met his first cow and lost it. Backing up, head up high, the whole nine yards. We got him over it, but man do I hate cows now...
So I went for my ride and this time Cody was kind of nervous in the arena, much different than the night before. Can you guess why? That's right, the sheep had moved in. There is an outer ring that is around the arena which is still inside of the building, which is where they decided to put the sheep this year.