Chapter 3: Brooklyn

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I fell down on my bed, bursting into tears. I couldn't believe it. It felt like Ayden all over again.

2 and a half years ago

It has been two days since Ayden's junior prom aka, the best night of my life. We have officially been together for a year and a half, although I've had feelings for Ayden for as long as I can remember.

Ayden had been acting distant for the past few months, but after prom I knew that everything will be okay. I grabbed my phone and looked through the pictures I had taken with my friends and Ayden. I put my phone down and turned to look at my dress, which was hanging on a hook on the back of my door.

A knock at my door startled me. "Yes?" I called.

"Ayden is at the do-or!" My mom told me, in a sing song-y way.

"Okay!" I jumped up and ran downstairs and tripped right before getting to the front door. "Honey, look at you, literally falling for that boy." My mom said, rushing over to help me up. I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing. "Thank you mom." I straightened myself and grabbed the door. "Ayden!" I jumped out the door and threw my arms around his neck.

He pulled my arms off of him and grabbed my hand. "Let's go for a walk." He said, pulling me away from my house. He kept glancing back towards my house, but I didn't care, I just loved being with him. Once we got a little ways away from my house, he stopped walking and turned to look at me. He let my hand fall out of his.

"Let's talk about something, Brook." He said, looking off in the distance. "Of course, anything." I smiled, I could listen to him all day, no matter what he talked about.

"Listen, I think we have different ideas about what we want right now. And I'm just not looking for a relationship anymore." He took a step back after saying it.

"What?" I gasped, my heart sunk.

"I know, I'm sorry. We had fun at first, but then the relationship made me miss so much of my own life, and I haven't had time for my own friends anymore... You understand, right Brook?" Ayden asked, making eye contact for the first time in this conversation. "Uh.. I guess.." I gulped. "How can he do this to me? I thought I meant something to him!?" I thought to myself as anger started to build up inside me.

SMACK. I hit him straight across the cheek. He stumbled backwards, clearly not expecting that reaction from me. "What was that for!?" He said with a raised voice. "You idiot! I love you and this is how you repay me!?" I scream, holding back my tears. "You what? No, no, no... See this is exactly why I needed to talk to you. I'm not ready or interested in love. Nope. No." He told me, pointing his finger at me just inches away from my face.

"Whatever!" I shout. "I should've known this was coming. Leave me alone Ayden. I don't want to see you ever again." I told him, finally letting my tears pour out of my eyes.

Ayden (2 and a half years ago)

Those words hit me like a semi truck. "No no no."  I thought. "I'm doing this wrong..."

"Brooklyn wait!" I yelled, but it was too late, she was already gone. "What did I do?" I said to myself, kicking a rock down the sidewalk.

"Get outta here kid. Go some place else." Said some older guy that must've lived in the house I was standing in front of. "Oh, and grow up and be a man!"

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I told him while walking away. I didn't want to lose Brooklyn as my friend. I just didn't want that kind of relationship with her. "Crap. You're an idiot Ayden."

Ayden (Current)

That day was the day that I ruined a big part of my life. I didn't go back to school after that, I started hanging around at the bar (I know, what 17 year old hangs out at the bar? I didn't drink at all!), and I lost all my old friends, and found lots of new ones. Friends that were the kind that will stab you in the back quicker than you can blink.

I hadn't moved off the couch all day, except for occasionally getting up to grab a snack, or visit the bathroom. I shut the tv off and I rub my eyes. When I opened them, my mom is standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. "Get your butt off this couch Ayden. Right now." She said, pulling me up off the couch. Don't you ever say women aren't strong. I've made that mistake. They will throw you over their shoulder so quick.

"Alright mooommm, I'm going, I'm going." I told her, slumping down and dragging my feet as I walked back towards my room. "Pick up your feet mister!" She yelled.

I closed my door and fell back onto my bed. I let out a long groan, and flipped over on my side, staring at my blank wall. "Remember when she slapped you, you idiot, you should've grabbed her and apologized immediately." I thought. "I was such an idiot." I say, turning over to lay on my back.

"I'd say you are more of a jerk than an idiot." A voice says, making me jump. I turn to see Chase standing in my doorway. "I let myself in. Hope you don't mind." He says, plopping down on my beanbag chair that I've had for as long as I can remember.

"Oh, thanks. Because jerk is much better." I say, rolling my eyes. "It's still that girl, isn't it?" Chase asks. I close my eyes.

"Bro, you don't need her, you have me!" I turn and give Chase a disturbed look. "I'm not really interested in taking you out on dates, and all that romantic stuff Chase. Sorry, bro." I tell him.

"You know that isn't what I meant Ayden. Jeez. Just go get her back. Win her heart or whatever it is that girls like so much." Chase told me, getting up and heading towards the door. "One more thing, I'm stealing your waffles." Chase yelled while running out of my room.

"WHATEVER CHASE!!" I yell back. Normally I'd go after him, because I love my breakfast foods, but I have other things on my mind right now.

I pull a pillow over my face, and decide that I want to go back to my spot in the woods, Brooklyn and I's secret spot. "I'll go back in the morning." I whisper to myself, just before falling asleep.

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