Sunday Evening
After I got home from the awkward encounter with Ayden, I made myself a milkshake, grabbed my phone, sat down on the couch, and called one of my closest and oldest friends, Kira. I've known her almost my entire life, and she was there for me when Ayden broke my heart. I hadn't had a chance to talk to her about Jaxson, or about finding Ayden's jacket the other day.
"Hello?" Kira asked.
"Hey Kira, can we talk?"
"Be right over!" She told me, before ending our call.Within minutes there was a knock on my door. She lives in the apartment building across the street, so we aren't far from each other. I got up and checked through the peephole to make sure it was her. I opened the door and she gave me a huge hug. Kira is a super friendly, bubbly person, and I love her because of that.
"Hey Brooky! I missed you! It has been way too long. We need to catch up. What is it that you want to talk about?" Kira said, in her typical speedy way of talking.
We went into my living area, sat down on the couch, and I told her everything about Jaxson, and seeing Ayden. We laughed and we cried.
"It's like it's fate Brooky! Maybe it'll be like those romance movies!" Kira told me, before the smile on her face faded into a serious look. "Oooo but be careful Brooky! We don't want him to hurt you again. I would have to kill him, not even kidding girl."
"I'm scared Kira. I don't know what to do. I know I still have some feelings for him, but what if he hasn't changed? What if he isn't interested in a real relationship? I don't think I can do it again."
"Listen, Brooklyn. All I care about is whether or not you are happy, and if you are being respected and loved like you deserve. The choice is up to you. If there is any part of you that thinks that this is a bad idea, you shouldn't pursue it at all."
I sigh. "Yeah. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. But I honestly hope it doesn't...I don't know if I can handle it." I tell her.Ayden (Current)
As soon as I got home, I pulled up Brooklyn's Facebook page. We are still friends on Facebook, but I don't really get on much. It hurt to see the pictures of her, and the guy she is with. As soon as the page loaded, I started scrolling down her timeline.
"First step is to apologize. Apologize for every single thing." The words that the man had said to me popped into my head. "I have to see her again. I have to apologize." I think to myself. "I'm going back to our spot in the morning before work. Maybe she will be there again." I tell myself.
"Come here for a second Ayden!" My mom called from the other room. "Coming!!" I yell back. I close my laptop and drag myself off of my bed. "Yes mom?" I ask, plopping down on the couch next to her.
"Look who's living room design is on the front page of a home designing magazine?"
I lean over to see what she is talking about, and I see a headline that reads "Local Designer Brooklyn, Finds Her Designs on the Front Page of Famous Magazine" And right below it is a picture of the magazine, with a living room that looked like something out of a movie. It was pretty perfect looking."She deserves it. She has always wanted this." I say, slumping back into my seat.
"It really is a shame you didn't stay with her. Maybe you'd actually be getting somewhere with your life." My mom told me, shaking her head. I stared at her for a moment. "Mom! Ouch! Jeez..." I say, shoving an imaginary knife into my chest."You know I'm kidding. But I really do miss having that girl around. Maybe I should visit her sometime." My mom replied, while messing up my hair. "I know mom, I do too." I told her, as she grabbed me and hugged me. Usually I wouldn't let her, but this time, I did.
"Are you going to talk to her?" She asked, after letting go of me.
"Yeah, I'm going to try."
"I hope it goes well. I know how happy she used to make you. I want you to be happy like that again."
"Thanks mom."Brooklyn (Later that night)
I lay down on my bed and shut off my lamp. But I don't go to sleep. Instead, I lay there looking up at the ceiling as if there was something interesting up there. "Ughhhh..." I whine. "What do I do?" I ask myself.

My Mister Right
Teen FictionBrooklyn and Ayden have known each other for most of their lives. They were together all the time always going on some sort of adventure, or laughing their heads off, or heading out to their favorite secret hangout spot. But eventually they develope...