Sunday Morning
I woke up the next morning, and hopped out of bed. "I'm going to visit my spot again." I thought. Going back there yesterday made me realize how much I missed it. It was so nice out there, and I always did my best thinking there.
I got dressed really quick, and grabbed a jacket before running out to my car. I turned up the music on my radio really loud, and rolled my windows down. It was a lovely fall day.
"I wonder if my jacket is still there." I said, talking to myself. The neighborhood was nice, but it went downhill really quick, after the new apartment buildings were built next to the city, so there is a high amount of theft in that area. It wouldn't surprise me if some kid found it and decided to keep it.
I pulled into an empty spot on the road, across from my old house. I got out of the car, and snuck around to the back of the house, and through the trees to get to the spot. I glanced around, but saw no jacket. "Stupid kids." I mumbled.
I heard a sound and spun around to see what it was. There was a person sitting a ways away, with their head tucked into their knees. As I got closer, I realized the person was a girl, and she was crying. I had a flashback to the day I found Brooklyn like this when we were 8 and 9.
I got closer to further inspect the situation, when I realized the girl looked exactly like Brooklyn. At least, the back of her head did. Amazing long brown hair. "Is it her? What is she doing here? Is this my chance?" I thought to myself. I started to reach out and poke her shoulder, and then I stepped back and turned around to leave. "Don't do it, we both showed up here, it's gotta be fate or something." I rubbed the back of my neck and turned back around.
"B-Brooklyn.." I said, in a voice lower than a whisper. "Come Ayden, be a man. Respect." I squeezed my eyes shut and took a quiet deep breath. "Brooklyn." I said, a little bit louder, and poked her on the shoulder. She jumped back. "Don't touch me!" She snapped, covering her face with her arms, as if I were about to hit her.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I won't touch you. I'm sorry." I told her, putting my hands up to surrender. I don't want to scare her, not after all these years of not talking. She lowered her arms really slow to see who it was that was talking to her. "A-Ayden...?" She asked, looking at me surprised.
"Hey..." I mumbled. "This is weird, why did I do this...?" I looked away from her. "What are you doing here?" She asked curiously.
Brooke (Current)
"What IS he doing here? What am I supposed to do?" I turned my head, waiting for a reply. "I, uh.." He stepped backwards. "I needed to think I guess." He told me, glancing up ever so slightly, making eye contact for a short second.
"Oh.. Same here. Free country I guess, so I can't really tell you to leave." I said, gesturing for him to sit down. He sits down, leaving a good amount of distance between us. "Thanks. I can leave though, if you want me to go." He told me, while messing with a leaf that had fallen off a tree. "It's up to you, I don't really care." I said, resting my chin on my knees.
A tear rolled down my cheek. I slowly wiped it away. I notice Ayden bite his lip out of the corner of my eye, and I know he is about to say something. "Brooklyn...?" He asks cautiously. "Hmm?" I reply, trying not to let on that I had been crying. "Are you alright? I mean... that's a stupid question. I'm sorry." He shakes his head and looks down at his feet.
"Ayden, I'm fine, thank you for asking. I need to go though, it was nice seeing you again." I tell him as I get up and walk away. "Yeah.. you too! Thanks for letting me stay." He shouts as I walk away. As I begin to jog to leave faster, the tears start to fall a lot harder. "Why were you here Ayden? Why is this happening?" I mentally ask him, knowing he may be thinking the same thing about me.
I head back to my car, and drive away, feeling worse than I did when I got there.
Ayden (Current)
"Why did you let her go? Why didn't you tell her you were sorry? What am I doing?" My brain screams at me. I grab a rock and throw it as far as I can, and let out a loud scream that I've been holding in for a while. I fall backwards to lay down, and I hit my head on a rock. "CRAP OW." I yelp. "Just my luck. This is just another terrible day. Another day of me not being happy." I rub the back of my head and I get up to leave.
As I'm heading to my car, I notice an older couple, walking down the street holding hands with the biggest smiles on their faces. They were enjoying each others company, chatting away. "How long have you two been together?" I blurted out, not meaning to say anything.
"Not long enough!" The man replied, looking over at the lady with loving eyes. "We had our 50th wedding anniversary just yesterday." She told me. "We fell in love long before we were married though. We were together by the time we started high school." The man said, looking off into the distance, dreaming about those days.
"Wow. I'm impressed. Happy Anniversary." I say, reaching out to shake their hands.
"Thank you very much young man." The lady replied, grabbing my hand.
"Son, I can tell there is hurt in your eyes. Now, I don't know exactly what has happened, but I know that look. Have faith. You will find a way back to her heart. Trust me, I know from experience." The man told me, winking at his wife.
I chuckle. "Thank you sir. The trouble is finding that way."
"You will. He found the way back to mine." The lady said, leaning into her husband, grabbing his arm lovingly."Thank you. I sure hope so. I wish you many more years of love and happiness." I say, getting ready to hop into my car.
"Remember, it isn't always easy. The first step is to apologize. Apologize for every single thing you did. Then you have to find a way to earn her trust back. Once you've done those things, then you can start working on earning her heart again." The man told me, before waving and tipping his hat at me.
I waved back and sat down in my car.

My Mister Right
Teen FictionBrooklyn and Ayden have known each other for most of their lives. They were together all the time always going on some sort of adventure, or laughing their heads off, or heading out to their favorite secret hangout spot. But eventually they develope...