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Rumors have already spread around at school that Austin dumped me. Nobody was really comforting me other than my 4 best friends. "He's gonna get a poly beat down from me!" Dinah growled, cracking her knuckles. I shoot a stubborn look at Dinah. She always takes the violent side of things, and I don't want her to get into serious trouble. "No, n-" Dinah laughed,"I gotchu, Mila. Don't worry," Who knows what Dinah is gonna say to Austin. Probably something very threatening. He was a jerk anyways.

I look over at Lauren. She was leaning against a locker, resting her eyes. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at me and smiled. I looked into her piercing green eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. Why haven't I not realize this before? I guess I never stared so intently at her eyes. I watch her walk toward me. Her hair bouncing, and the light reflecting off her white teeth. I look at her up and down. Her figure was...perfect. What? What has gotten into me. Crushing on my best friend? "Whatchu lookin' at?" Lauren giggled. Her laugh was even cute. Snap out of it Camila! "Oh nothing!" I say nervously. She rolls her eyes and smacks my arm playfully. "Don't lie, Camz!" She said, smiling. "Hey! I was looking at the art on the wall!" I say, rubbing my arm.
I walk towards the gymnasium. I see Becky. The girl who hates me with a burning passion. She was the most popular person in school. Atleast, she thinks she is. My ex-boyfriend cheated on her with me. Of course I didn't know anything about it. He broke up with Becky a few months into our relationship. And soon after 1 1/2 year of a relationship, he dumped me. She sees me and points. I see her laughing with all her friends, talking shit about me as she always does. I turn away and bump into a tall guy. "What was that!" He says throwing his hands up. "I'm sorry.." I say quietly. "My god. Watch where you are fucking going, jesus christ," he mumbled, picking up his books. I walk swiftly to the locker room, and go to the bathroom. I lock the stall. The tears fell from my eyes. It ran down my blushed cheeks like a stream. My lips trembled. I found the tissues in my bag and wipe my tears. But they immediately rushed down again. Pull yourself together. You are better than this.
"So, Is there something you aren't telling me?" Lauren asked. I shook my head,"If I did, I would tell you," She raised her eyebrow,"Then, why were you looking at me so...intensely?" My eyes widened. It was total silence. "Sooo.." Lauren said, breaking the silence,"Are you gonna tell me or no?" I thought about it for a while. "Uh, I don't know," I shrugged.

Lauren was staying at my house today. I go into my room and pick up all the tissues and throw them into the trash, Lauren followed. "You have been acting, strange lately. The breakup really changed you, huh?' Lauren said. I shrugged,"More emotional than usual. Yeah, kind of. But I'm still the same Camila you are best friends with," We smile at each other. We sat there staring at each other for a minute until Lauren asked to watch a movie. "The Notebook?" I suggested. "Let's watch something scary!" Lauren whined. "Remember what happened last time we watched a scary movie together?" I said. "Oh..ok I guess the Notebook will do," Lauren said. I clap my hands excitedly and put the disc into the dvd player.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! New chapters every other weekend or so, byee!

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