Forever Lonely~ chapter 5

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sorry for the really long wait, i had heaps of stuff going on and i lost my self from this story, i honestly dont know when i can next uplaod this story seeing as i can only write it when im either , upset, stressed or kinda deepressed. i hope you understand.


The sounds of pot and pans being clashed together woke me from my slumber. I got up with shoots of pain running from my wrist.

I quickly looked at it and saw that blood had drained my wrist leaving it numb, red and painful.

I got up and quickly changed into a log top and track pants, I covered the dried blood on the sheets by pulling up the covers, I made a reminder to make sure I dispose the sheets before mum finds out.

I opened my door and saw it was already noon. Mum wasn’t anywhere in sight and the sounds of pots and pans clashing went. I gazed out the front door to find that neither mum nor Jackson’s car was in sight.

I let out a deep sigh and a whole heap of weight was lifted off my shoulders. I turned and went back to my room to dispose the sheets. I cleaned my wrist and covered it with bandages.

The whole day was quiet. No one was home, just me, myself and I.

But I spoke to soon, car doors were being shut and footsteps were heard. Fear started to spread through my veins, and my hands started to shake.


I shuttered at the voice that called my name.

Mum ran through the hall angry, obviously mad at me.

“Mum I’m right here, no need for the yelling.”

I turned around in the armchair I was sitting in and faced her.

“Lucy you are in so much trouble, I want and need you to understand that we are working for this family and the stunt you pulled last night is not expectable, you and Jackson will talk this out and never in my life are you going to live with your father. FIX THIS!”

I sat in shock, she was blaming everything on me, again, where as Jackson is the one to blame.

He moved in 2 weeks after mum and dad separated.

Stole dads place on telling me what I can and cannot do.

He has mum wrapped around his finger.

Now he is twisting the story, so that it is my fault for everything.

What has the world come to?

I got up from where I was sitting and pushed her to the side, I was sick of this, I was sick of Jackson and her pushing me around, she’s pushed me to far, now she’s going to regret all the things she’s just said. Because a mother should never ever take there husbands side, can’t she hear me out for once in her life?

“Lucy get back here, don’t walk away from me young lady.”

Mum was hot on my tail until I got to my room. I slammed the door in her face and pushed the dressing table up against it.

I pulled my hair in frustration and grabbed bags. I had to get out of here. I grabbed my phone and dialled my friend’s number. I knew that she could help me out.

A few minutes later I climbed out of m window and silently walked towards the back fence, I know it wasn’t the best Idea but I knew mum would try and stop me any way possible.

I jumped the fence and walked up the driveway where my friend Neika was waiting for me in the car.

“Hey Lucy is everything okay?”

I held back my tears and nodded, she got the message and told her mum to start driving.

The ride wasn’t long since it was just the other side of town.

We got out of the car and Neika helped me bring my stuff in, I followed behind her until we reached her spare room.

“Mum said you can stay in here, call out if you need anything okay?”

“Thanks Neika, this means a lot, you don’t know how thankful I am to have you as a friend.”

Tears started leaking down my cheeks and Neika bundled me into a hug.

“I’m always here for you Luc, you know that, everyone is here for you.”

I pulled back and nodded, she left me alone to unpack.

2 weeks had past and I hadn’t said a word to my mum, I wonder if she knows that I have run away. My heart sank as the feeling came to me, what if she didn’t realise that I had gone?

“Hey Lucy, mum wants to talk to you.”

I looked at Neika who was playing with her dog.

“Okay, where is she?”

She pointed over to the garden. I nodded and made my way there.

“Neika said you wanted to talk to me?”

“Oh Lucy, yes I did, take a seat.”

I sat down on the grass next to her and fiddled with the grass beneath me.

“I talked to your mum yesterday, she misses you, and at this very moment hates my guts, I know that you don’t want to go back home, but I feel like if you two just talk things over, everything will come out smoothly.”

My eyes widened. Talk? That wont happen.

“So talk to her calmly and see where things go?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want to do okay?”

I nodded. We talked for a while more before the sun started setting.

“Well let’s get inside before it gets to cold.”

I walked inside to find Neika asleep on the couch with her dog next to her.


I had a peaceful sleep that night.

When morning came I quickly got up and got ready for school, it was nearing to the end of the school year, which I was thankful for. I can finally move out of home.

More weeks went by and I finally had the courage to go home, mum never tried to contact me so I didn’t bother either.

“Thanks for everything for the past week, I don’t know what to do that will make it up for what you have done.”

“Lucy, all we ask is for you to be happy, that’s all, now go in there and talk, I’m only a phone call away, I’ll come and get you if needs be.”

I nodded and grabbed my stuff. I walked up to the door and opened it. The house was silent and only the sound of the dogs barking was heard.

I walked into my room and saw boxes lying against my bed. I put my baggage on my floor and saw that there was a note in the middle of my bed.


I have gotten boxes for you so you can start packing. Jackson isn’t coming home. He is pretty pissed off and is making himself sick over it, I hope you have thought about what you have don’t in the past months and I hope we can fix things.

Love mum

I stared at the boxes and tears came into my eyes, shows how much mu actually cares about me.

Hours later I had everything pack in the boxes, my room was empty, and the only thing standing was the furniture.

I stripped off my clothes and put on my nightclothes and went to bed. I didn’t know where mum was and I was sad because she didn’t even care that her daughter was leaving, and the only person that she needed was her mum.

I guess I can’t even call her that now…





yeah so im trying to speed things up a bit, a few more chapters then you will get some excitment :D

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