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Jamie was asking questions for the entire plane journey, he wanted to know where we were going, when wanted to know when he could see his daddy, he wanted to know where Auntie Rory was.

And I didn't, I really didn't have all the answers to his questions, despite how much my heart wanted them for myself and to satisfy little Jamie's mind because I didn't know where Rory was.

Jamie was overjoyed though when I told him we were going home and to see daddy, Uncle Cal and Uncle Ash soon but as we sat outside the ice cream stand outside the airport as 5am in the morning, waiting for our taxi, while London was waking up and people starting their mornings bustling about, arms laden with bags and coffee cups, he asked once again the one question I didn't have the answer for.

"Uncle Lukey?" He pouted, ice cream all over his face -that yes wasn't an ideal breakfast food I know- but it kept him quiet and satisfied. Well it had anyway.

"Yeah buddy?" I answered after our taxi slowed to a stop beside us and we clambered in, arms laden with cases and duffles.

"Where's Auntie RoRo? Didn't she want to come home with us?" The small boy frowned, clearly upset that Rory hadn't came back to the hotel last night or home with us to be with Michael and the guys.

"She did buddy, I promise you she did but she had some big girl stuff to take care of," I smiled reassuringly, this answer seeming to put his mind at ease finally as we headed off home.


Michael was gonna flip shit, most probably at me because I had made him a promise to keep them both safe and although I hadn't known of her plan to leave and although I had kept Jamie safe, I had failed to keep her safe.

I failed.

The long walk back up to my apartment was a long one and I hoped they would be there on an off chance so I wouldn't need to risk calling them incase our phones were bugged or being tracked again. After all if they had managed to follow us they must have had their ways of getting their information.

I quickly dug my keys out the tight pocket of my skinny jeans and opened the door, swinging it open to find Calum stood with a wooden spoon poised in our direction as if ready to attack whoever was entering my apartment uninvited.

"Nice uhh weapon choice," I chuckled trying not to laugh as I kicked the door shut with my foot.

"Luke what the fuc-" he started to swear but cut himself off as Jamie flew towards him with his arms wide open.

"Uncle Cally!" He giggled, his face lighting up at seeing Calum again after a couple of weeks, "I missed you so much, like dis much," he chuckled holding his arms wide apart.

"Awhh hey little one, I missed you so much too but a lot more obviously," he spun Jamie round making him laugh uncontrollably, "I tell you what I've just finished making pancakes just like Auntie Roro makes them and they're sitting on the table in the kitchen, I think you should go get them before Uncle Ashton shows up and eats them all up! What do you say?"

Jamie didn't even respond before shooting off into the kitchen, "Use a plate, knife and fork buddy!" I yelled after him laughing at his obvious inherited love for all things edible before turning nervously to face Calum, oh boy I'm going to have a hard time explaining to Calum what the fuck was going on.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Calum whispered walking closer to me, "And where the fuck is Rory?"

I swallowed trying to keep myself in check, "Well-"

"Cal I smell pancakes and you had better have saved me some!" We both turned at the sound of Ashton entering the apartment, "Luke why the hell are you-"

"Uncle Ashy!" Jamie grinned flying back into the room, obviously having heard Ashton's voice.

"Jamie hey little man! Man I missed you!" Ashton smiled fondly at the blond haired child before frowning at me with the same amount of confusion as Calum was still giving me, "Where's your Auntie Ro buddy?"

"Oh she's not here, Uncle Lukey said she had to stay behind for some big girl stuffs! But that's ok cause she'll be back right Lukey?"

"Yeah buddy, she'll be back. You should go finish your breakfast though yeah?" I chuckled, even more nervous now knowing I had to explain this to both of them and even I didn't fully understand it.

"Okay I will," Jamie smiles cutely before turning back to Ashton, "I missed you so much, didn't I Uncle Lukey?" Jamie giggled, cuddling Ashton again, clearly not happy with going back to his pancakes just yet.

"Yeah you did, you spoke about them both for the entire plane flight didn't you?" I chuckled, not too bothered about him not eating his breakfast just yet cause he was happy to be back here and to see his Uncles again.

"Yep and now I'm here and I'll get to see daddy again soon," he nodded, slowly as if silently agreeing with himself, "But right now I want my pancakes,"

And with that he ran off.

Well can't you tell he's his fathers son.

"Luke what the hell are you doing here? This is so compromising the whole plan!" Calum whisper yelled, obviously not wanting Jamie catching on that there was something wrong.

I exhaled slowly as I realised we were back to where we started all that time ago when she left before, "The plans been compromised already guys, it wasn't working,"

"What do you mean? They haven't been round here for ages?" Ashton frowned, clearly lost.

"They found us, it wasn't working cause they were already behind us. Rory's not here because she's gone again," I averted my gaze to the floor, ashamed of my failures, "Call Michael and get him here, I'll explain everything then,"

Secrets - Michael Clifford (completed)Where stories live. Discover now