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It was probably 5am, when I was sat on the plane, two hours into the three hour flight, that I got a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

After having somehow got through and been cleared by security without so much as a question or second glance, despite the gunshot wound in my leg, that I'd patched really well in the airports bathroom thanks to training and plenty of experience with first aid on the run, I found myself sat at the very back of the plane with a very bad feeling brewing.

It wasn't anything to do with flying or the plane itself, it was just a strong feeling that something wasn't right and maybe heading home now wasn't the best idea I had. Of course thinking this now, when I was less than an hour from landing back at Heathrow wasn't going to help me in the slightest and besides this is probably all paranoia.

I'm not used to being safe or having closure, the past year and four months have been nothing other than fear and running away from Jax and Leah and well, with Jax dead and Leah's future set for prison, I have nothing to run from anymore, I'm just on edge and I need to find my way back to safe, sane reality where I have a future.

When the plane finally landed and I made my way back through security checks, again with not even so much as a frown at my limping bleeding leg, I realised I didn't have to wait for any luggage to arrive on the conveyor belt because I had nothing other than my backpack and made my way out to the bustling streets.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dialled the first contact on my recents and waited patiently for them to answer, after only three buzzes I was met with a familiar voice.

"Rory is this you?" Michael chirped, his happy mood practically beaming down the phone.

"Yeah it's me, I've just landed and I'm walking towards the-"

"Don't walk Rory you're injured! Besides Luke's on his way, he couldn't leave here fast enough when my phone rang so I'll imagine he'll be there in like five minutes," Michael chuckled, banging and crashing around in the background told me he was making dinner.

"Oh thank god, my legs fucking killing me," I groaned pulling myself down into the nearest bench, I felt the skin around my injury through the thin material of my leggings, waiting for Luke to pop up somewhere, "How are things anyway? Much happened?"

"Not really, it's literally just been us worrying about you and me wondering when I'd hear from you again," Michael paused momentarily to ask Jamie what he wanted to drink with his dinner, "We've been swamped with police visiting though, we've been giving statements and evidence all night and morning. We've given them access to our phones and they took and recorded all phone conversations, they took samples and apparently accessed all CCTV footage from the streets we were spotted on, airports and the motels you guys stayed in,"

"That's a relief then, they must just be waiting for my side of everything then," I breathed a sigh of relief as it started to hit me that this was it, today was the starting day of my future.

"Pretty much, they've sent a team to where you were staying in Ireland after accessing the location through phone tracers to try and locate Jax's body and they pulled all the phone records and flight records from the nine months you were flying solo too, Rory this case is one sided they said,"

"One sided?" I asked, seeing a familiar black Mercedes pull up across the road.

"Yeah they said it'll be something simple like, threatening to kidnap a minor and take him into dangerous environments, turned harassing stalker that breeches personal space and privacy, tuned GBH, ABH and then murderer," Michael rambled, still from what I could tell scurrying around frantically searching for something to assist with his cooking, "Ashton where the fuck is the ladle?"

"Hey five dollars in the swear jar you! Woah that's how they worded it eh? That's a long ass named so called simple case,"

"Yeah yeah, I'm just glad this is all over. I just want you home Ro, stress and worry free like before you left," he sighed, the background noise suddenly gone, he was tired.

"Me too Mikey, me too. I'll be home soon though, Luke's here," I smiled, my voice brightening as I saw him crossing the road.

"Oh god that's my cue to hang up, I'll see you soon sissy, love you,"

"Love you too Mikeymouse," I laughed, hanging up abruptly, jumping up and running despite the pain in my leg, over to Luke, jumping into his arms.

"You have no idea how fucking happy I am you're back," he breathes heavily, clutching me to his chest and he spun round and round, "I was so worried after the call last night, I was out of my mind with worry and I cried myself to sleep because I completely failed to protect yo-"

I couldn't hear him blame himself for the consequences of my own decisions to keep them safe so I shut up him up the only way I knew how.

I kissed him.

Secrets - Michael Clifford (completed)Where stories live. Discover now