About last night

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The next morning

Kehlani POV ❤

I woke up on top of chris bare chest I pecked his lips slowly and rose up from the bed to the bathroom I didn't have any clothes on so I quickly grabbed chris shirt and some basketball shorts and walked out of the room to see Taylor and Kim eating A bowl of melon balls Kim chuckled and said well look who is the girl to give up the cookie in one night I ignore her and tired walking to Noni room but before I could open it j Cole came out of there I looked at him with confused look he gave me the sane look back and walked to the bathroom. I Stromed into Noni room Noni was washing her face I slowly put a smile on my face and asked

Kehlani: Did you let him hit?

Noni stopped what she was doing and nodded her head slowly. I looked away and shook my head and walked back to my room to see Chris on my bed still asleep I laid back on my bed. Chris smiled and kissed my cheek and said

Chris: well I enjoyed last night did you?

Kehlani: yeah I guess you can say that

Chris : well I don't know what to call us but let's keep this on the low for now can't have Sam at my throat about okay?

Kehlani: uhhh I think a few knows about this

Chris eye balls grew bigger than what they were.

Chris: uh uh how ? What a minute? Who do you think knows ? God please don't say Sam

Kehlani: I don't know about Sam but Noni and Kim knows

Chris :  ah FUCK I gotta go I just gotta need to get out of here uh let's go out to eat tonight? What do you say?

Kehlani: of course chris but I'll see you later chris

Chtis: Same to you baby girl

Chris stood up from the bed and walked over to my side and kissed me and made his way back to his room. My phone began to ring I looked to see who it was and Derrick. What does he want from me I shook my head and didn't answer it and went to the bathroom

San POV ❤

Ms Nia please chris is a great father please let him keep royalty for a week?

Nia: No Sam I gotta go and I hope y'all understand where I'm coming from bye Sam

She hung up on my face I seen a flie of paper my eyes lit up I picked up the paper to see a girl Who was so pretty she was dancer I think chris would enjoy her. I called her and we talked for awhile and once we were done Kim came into my room looking fine as hell with that short dress on

Sam: How may I help you?

Kim: Oh you must not know what had happened last night

Sam:  what about last night?

Kim: you know yo home boy like to get around Chris had sex with Kehlani last night so did j Cole and Noni

Sam: please leave kim! And when you see chris tell I said bring his ass here !

Right when I said that kim left and Chris came into the room

I gave him that nasty look.

Chris: you know huh?

Sam: yeah see so what are you guys?

Chris:  I don't know I'll ask her tonight at dinner

Chris went into his closet to find something to wear

Sam: uhh no not tonight we gotta see this new girl her name is page and she's from New England lol that's weird but her body outta this world

Chris: Can't do it I gotta date I just said that I had a date tonight

Sam: No but I just said

Chris: BUT I SAID I had a date TONIGHT

Sam:  Chris im not gonna fight with you  but this but really nice if you came

Chris: well I'm not alright I'm not I'm just not gonna.

Sam : fine fuck it do whatever you feel like Chris

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