such and such

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Kim POV ❤

my heart sanked when I saw that text I mean What did I do wrong ? Where did I go wrong ? As I sat on my bed letting the tears run down my face I cried more but I soon stopped when I heard Noni sob from the other room. I walked to her room watching her look a picture and cry I sat beside her and asked her what was wrong ?

Noni POV ❤

" What's wrong Noni ? "

She sob when she asked me that I kept my head down at the picture of my grandpa who had just died two days ago. I started stumbling over my words

" yyou- don't know how it feels to loose something you cared about and all of that so just leave me be "

" I do too... Look I know we don't like each other but were all fighting battles in life mines is tryna love somebody who ain't in love with me but yet I still think were together and that I just got fried yeaaaa nothing can go right in life for Me"

" Wha cha get fired for? And I can't keep working on this tour I gotta get my family together"

" What why would you stop? Don't you have so much to give don't stop now keep doing what chu do "

Kehlani POV ❤

I had just got done writing my song I had made for chris I wanted to see how he felt about the song he was just coming back from visiting Royalty. Once he came into my room he sat by me and kissed me he glared at me for a second and I glared back he finally looked down at my note book and asked me what was I writing I quickly threw the note book aside and said

" Does it matter? "

" Woah Kehlani what's up with that ? "

" Nothing hey listen to my lyrics and tell me how you feel about them ",

" Bet go ahead "

" When you need to smile
But you can't afford it
Go on point it out
I'm gonna steal it
When the floor is more familiar than the ceiling
I will break in late at night
Shake up how you're feeling

I'll never stop
Breaking the law for you
I'll never stop
Helping to pull you through
Whatever it takes to get what you need
Ignore the alarm

When you're taking steps
But need to go faster
We can speed through streets
So the shadows can't catch ya
When the corridors and all the stairs are making you tired
I will come for you
Set the building on fire

I'll never stop
Breaking the law for you
I'll never stop
Helping to pull you through
Whatever it takes to get what you need
Ignore the alarm
Ignore the police
I'll never stop
Breaking the law for you

Chris smile lit up my whole day he smiled so hard and said

" That was wonderful Kehlani "

" Thank you baby it was for you anyway "

Well put that in the studio"

" When am I leaving I'm tried of sitting here in bed "

" Hush baby you'll be out of here in 3 days "

Boring chapter but hey thats not Kehlani real song

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