Chpt 34: He read my mind

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"Ashley, come down here!"

I ran down the stairs.

"Yeah mom, you called?"

"Yeah, I did. What's this?" She put my Math test in front of my face. A big 'F' written in red ink.

"Mom, I'm sorry but I just can't get Math done." I sighed.

She sighed too and then a smile crept onto her face. "It's okay. You're only thirteen. You'll get it eventually."

"I don't think so, mom. Math is evil."


"Oh my gosh, mom, I need these." I pointed at a pair of black combat boots.

"Yeah, those are rad." My mom said.

"Mom, no one says rad anymore." I chuckled.

"I know, but I'm bringing it back. Just like I'm bringing sexy back." She put her left hand on her hip and flipped her hair with her right hand.

I threw my head back laughing and she did the same.


"Ashley, come here!"

I skipped to her bedroom.

"You called?" I sang.

She chuckled.

"Look what I bought!" She was bouncing up and down.

She took the lid off the box and gestured for me to come closer. I took a step closer and gasped.

She smiled. "I saw it and thought it was perfect, I just had to buy it. I was thinking it could be your prom dress."

"Mom that's such a long time from now."

"You're going to be eighteen in two years, you'll be surprised how fast time flies, it feels as though it was just yesterday you were running around in diapers."

I chuckled.

"Besides, I can't wait until I see you in this dress on your prom night."


"Mommy, mommy, look what I drew at school today!" I shoved the paper in her face.

"Oh honey, it's beautiful. For a five year old this is truly amazing. You're amazing Ashley."

"It's me, you, Ethan and daddy. We're going to be together forever and ever!"


My eyes shot open. With wide eyes I looked around the room. The room that...

Was not mine!

I flew up into a sitting position on the bed. My eyes scanned the room and it looked very familiar.

The room belonged to-

"Shit, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to slam the door or wake you."

I just stared at him trying to remember how I got here.

"I brought you some breakfast. You didn't eat anything last night because you fell asleep so I know you're hungry."

A small smile made it's way on my face. "Thanks."

"No problem." he smiled and sat at the edge of the bed.

A image of me crying in Shane's arms popped into my head.

I remember. We went to the park and I cried some more. I told him everything. And I cried some more. I didn't want to go home, so obviously Shane brought me here. I spotted my phone on the table and picked it up to check the time. 10:27 a.m. Something else on the screen caught my eye. The word 'Friday.' It's Friday! Which means it's school! Which means I'm missing school right now! Which means...

I don't care!

"You know we're missing school right?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Do you want to go to school?" he asked.

I scoffed. How could he ask such a question?

"Nope." I said.

"Good, now eat your breakfast." he said.

I put a piece of pancake in my mouth. I chewed it slowly. Doesn't taste harmful.

A thought then popped in my head.

"Oh shit."

"What's wrong?" Shane asked.

"My dad, Ethan and Aiden are probably wondering were I am."

If my dad even cares.

I picked up my phone and looked for Aiden's number. I was about to click on his name when the phone disappeared from my hands. I looked up to see Shane smirking.

"Don't worry about it. I called Aiden and told him to tell your dad you're staying over at Taylor's and I told Aiden that you'll explain everything to him later."

"And Aiden just let it go like that?" I asked.

"No, I listened to him argue for about a minute and then hung up." he laughed.

I laughed too.

"So since we're not going to school today, what do you want to do? Go out or stay in?" he asked.

No matter what, Shane is always there for me. Always there to make me smile and laugh when I feel down. He's such an amazing person.

I smiled at him and he read my mind.

"Staying in it is." he grinned.

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