Chpt 8: Weird.

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"I need a break."

"Ashley, it's only been ten minutes." he said.

"I know but I'm tired." I whined.

Shane and I have been in my room working on our Math project. Listen to me when I tell you this: Math is evil. I haven't even gotten one question right. I knew I was bad at Math. But not this bad.

"Come on, we only have until next Friday to finish this."

"Well, obviously I'm no help to you, so how about you finish it alone." I said smiling sweetly at him.

He shook his head. "No way."

"Come on Shane."

"Let's get back to the equation." he said.

"No. My brain is hurting." I said, face planting on my bed.

"Fine. I'll finish it alone then." he grumbled.

"Good. Thank you." my voice muffled.

"Since you're doing nothing how about making us something to eat huh?"

I got up and glared at him.

"What?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

"You know I don't... cook."

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot you were a princess."

I gasped.

"You are a princess. You don't do chores, you can't even make yourself something to eat."

"Stop lying. I can make myself something to eat."

"Okay. So how about you go downstairs and cut-"

"You know I'm not good with knives." I cut him off.

"I've proven my point."

"Shut up."  I said, throwing a pillow at him.

* * * * * * * * 

I walked into the living room and saw my mom curled up on the couch watching Teen Wolf.

"Hey mom."

"Yo homeslice!" she said, turning to face me.

I facepalmed myself.

"What did you get on the Math project?" she asked

"We got a B."

"Oh I'm so proud of you Ashley!" she exclaimed. She got up and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Mom I can't breathe." I choked out.

She immediately pulled away. She had a huge grin on her face.

"Sorry. I'm just so happy." she said.

"Mom, you do know that Shane did all the work right?" I asked.

"Your name is on the project right?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Good. Once that B is beside your name that's all that matters." she said. "Oh you should call your father and tell him."

"But he's at work. I don't want to disturb him."

She shoved the phone into my hand.

"Call him."

I sighed and dialed his number and waited patiently for him to pick up. 

"Hello." he said.

"Hey dad."

"Oh, hi pumpkin. What's up?"

"Mom told me to call and tell you that I got a B on my Math project." I said.

"Yes! Yes!" he shouted. "Yes! I'm so proud of you pumpkin!"

"Thanks dad."

"We have to celebrate. We'll celebrate when I get home. See you later Ashley."

"See you." I said and hung up.

Okay. My parents are crazy. They say they are proud of me. It's not like it was an A and I didn't even do the work. Shane did. And he said that I have to buy his meal every time we go out for doing the project alone. Guess who's going out with him less.

* * * * * * * *

My father wasn't kidding  when he said we would celebrate. He invited Shane over and gave me a beautiful charm bracelet. My parents said that they were just happy that there will be a B beside my name instead of a F, which I got every year. We were now having dinner.

"I know this is last minute," my dad started. "but there's a dinner party tomorrow for my office and I would love if you two could come." he said, looking at me and my brother.

"No thanks, dad." my brother said. I nodded in agreement. For once I agreed with my annoying thirteen year old brother.

My dad chuckled. "Let me rephrase that." he said. There's a dinner party tomorrow and you two are coming." he said smiling at us.

We both groaned at that. 

"Ashley, you'll need a date." my dad said nonchalantly. 

I stared at him wide eyed. He had to be joking. He knew I didn't have a boyfriend. What did he think I was going to do. Go up to a random guy and ask him to be my date to a dinner party ? My dad was not serious.

"Dad you're not serious." I said.

"I am. They are plenty of guys at your school, just ask one to be your date." he shrugged.

Shane started coughing beside me. I narrowed my eyes at him. My parents all looking at him in concern and my brother too busy on his phone to even to what was going on.

"Are you okay Shane?" my mother said, worry evident in her tone.

Shane nodded and calmed down. Shane pointed to his drink and then at his throat. "Just went down the wrong pipe." 

"Ashley if you don't want to ask anyone at your school, maybe Shane can go with you." my dad said. "You won't mind would you Shane?"

Shane took a sip of his drink and then replied. "Not at all Mr. M, I'd be happy to go with her." he turned to me with a smirk.

What was he planning?

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