Chpt 39: Hot damn

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Shane's POV

After that amazing kiss with Ashley we parted ways. She went to History class and I went to Physics. When class was over I went to Spanish which I had the all the guys and girls. Ashley included. I walked into the class and saw the girls but Ashley was missing. The guys were looking at something on a phone and laughing.

"Where's Ashley?" I asked them.

They looked up at me with confusion.

"We thought she was with you." Taylor said.

I shook my head.

Our Spanish teacher Ms. Duncan walked in. "Buenas tardes." she spoke and then yawned. Ms. Duncan hates to speak spanish to the class. She only speaks spanish when she comes into the class like just now, other than that she speaks all english. She's really a cool and funny teacher though. Well, when she's in good mood, that is.

"Buenas tardes." the class muttered.

Where the hell is Ashley? She can't possibly be skipping class. She loves Spanish. She has about four minutes to get to class or she will be officially skipping.

Ashley ran into the class and everyone looked up at her. "Yes ! I made it !" she shouted.

Ms. Duncan looked at her watch. "You barely made it. One more minute and you would've been late." she said.

"Sorry." Ashley giggled and walked to her seat. With Lexi on her right and me on her left.

Ms. Duncan started to write sentences on the board to translate to spanish.

"Hey." I whispered getting Ashley's attention. She did a dramatic turn to look at me her hair whipping over her shoulder. I chuckled softly. "Where were you?" I asked.

"Where were you?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"What? I was here." I told her.

"Were you? Were you really?" she squinted her eyes at me.

I'm so freaking confused. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay." she said and turned to face the front.

What the hell? What is wrong with her?

"Ashley what's wrong with you?" I whispered.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"What the hell?" I shouted.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Mr. Carter, is something the matter?" Ms. Duncan asked, folding her arms across her chest.

I looked at Ashley and she looked as though she was holding in a laugh.

"Sorry Ms. Duncan it's just that I'm having a little trouble with number eleven." I frowned.

"No worries we're going through them in class." she smiled. "Just move onto the other questions."

I nodded.

I'm going to be an actor. I'm just that good.

Ashley was giggling uncontrollably in her seat. Our friends looked over to her, confused.

Can you blame them? She is acting so strange.

She put her head down on her desk and she was like that for half of the class. She was probably sleeping.

Class was going to finish in ten minutes and suddenly Ashley fist pumped. She started doing a little dance in her chair and our eyes grew wide.

Aiden looked at me and mouthed. "What the fuck?"

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