Chpt 35: I hope you're right

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"You finally decided to come down." Shane stated as I entered the kitchen.

"I was checking my notifications." I said.

"For almost three hours?" he laughed.

I shrugged.

"Well, I cooked food for us." he said, placing two plates on the table.

I took a seat and eyed the food in front of me.

Shane chuckled. "It's safe to eat. I promise you." he took a bite of his food.

* * * * * * * *

After lunch I went back upstairs and checked my Instagram. I was extremely bored and things were really awkward between Shane and I. I tugged on Shane's sweater that he let me change into. It was basically swallowing me and covering my shorts that I wore. I decided to stop being a coward and go downstairs. I headed to the living room where I heard the television, so I guessed Shane was probably there too. He was indeed there and staring at the television screen. It felt so weird to be here. Acting like everything is normal. Like we're pals. Doesn't he know that I still love him. And here he is acting all cool and stuff.

"Are you going to just stand there all day?" Shane spoke and didn't take his eyes of the television.

I felt my cheeks heating up. I tried to think of something to say back but came up with nothing.

Shane what are you doing to me?

I mentally groaned and slowly walked over to where he was seated. I sat on the spot of the couch furthest away from him.

I could feel his gaze on me and I trained my eyes on the television.

Oh, he was watching The Fosters. I didn't pay close attention before. I've never seen this episode before so it has to be a new one. The one that I have been waiting forever to see. I focused all my attention on the screen. As soon as I did this the ending credits came up on the screen.

What sort of sick game is this tv playing. Playing with my emotions like that.

The credits continued to roll down the screen and my heart went with them.

Goodbye my love.

I stared longingly at the tv. Thinking that the show would magically play again.

Come back! Baby don't leave!

A commercial came on.

Well, looks like it's not going to come back.

Well, I could just watch it online some other time. Probably tonight.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I only heard the end of what Shane was saying.

"-of me?"

"Huh?" I turned to him my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

He chuckled. "I asked why you're sitting so far away from me. Are you scared of me?"

Scared of him? I feel anything but scared.

"Of course not."

"So why are you being so distant?" he questioned.

I have a feeling he's not just talking about me sitting so far away from him anymore.

"I'm not being distant."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Really? Because I would call avoiding me at all costs and saying one word to me each week, being distant."

"It's just weird Shane!" I burst out.

"What? What's weird Ashley?"

"Acting like nothing's wrong! Acting like everything's normal! It's not normal Shane. It's not the same. You have a girlfriend. You were my best friend. I can't tell you stuff like before. It's different."

"It's not different. Ashley it's not different. You can still tell me stuff. I'm here. I'm here to listen. I'm always here for you."

I shook my head. "You can't. You have a girlfriend. You have to be there for her. Not me."

"Don't give me that bullshit Ashley! You know I don't love her! I love you!" he shouted.

"You have feelings for her. She's your girlfriend."

"You left! I didn't know if I was going to see you again. I just had to find a way to take my mind off you. But it didn't work. You are still on my mind. All the time."

I looked back at the tv.

"Ashley I love you. And only you. We can make this work. We can be to-"

"Shane stop."

He scooted closer to me until we were face to face. "We can make this work." His thumb caressed my cheek.


"I'll break up with her. I don't know why I didn't do it before. I'm just so fucking stupid but I'll break up with her. I can't help the way I feel for you." he spoke.

I opened my mouth to speak but the doorbell ran.

We just stared at each other.

Why am I being so difficult. Yes, I still love Shane. So why am I not taking the chance to jump right back into his arms?

The doorbell ran about ten more times and we snapped out of our trance. Shane stood up and glanced back at me and walked to answer to the door.

"Ashley get your ass out here, we're going home!" I heard Aiden shout.

What is he doing here already? I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 2:58 p.m. Wow, is it that time already?

I am glad that he is here. If I stayed any longer it would've gotten even more awkward than before.

I stood up and walked to the door. I could hear the hushed voices of Shane and Aiden in the doorway but I stood in the corner so I could not be seen.

"Don't let him get anywhere near her. If that bastard touches her, he's going to pay." I heard Aiden say.

"He's very dangerous." Shane said.

"So you've told me." Aiden responded. "That's why I don't want her anywhere near him."

"You know her, she's very stubborn." Shane said. "But you know I'll do anything to protect her."


I stepped out from the corner. "I'm ready to go." I announced.

They both turned to look at me.

"Alright." Aiden said and walked out the door and to his car.

I was about to follow behind but Shane grabbed my arm.

"Ashley, please don't avoid me. Let's try to be normal. Let's try to slowly build back what we had."

"I don-"

"Please. Try. Please." he pleaded.

I looked into his pleading eyes. I hate to see him this way.

I nodded and he gave me a small smile.

"Thank you." he sighed in relief. "You won't regret it."

I walked toward Aiden's car and hopped in.

I hope you're right Shane. I really hope I won't regret this.

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