Chpt 40: I'm evil

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I'm imagining this is what shit feels like.

I feel like shit.

It feels as if there are people doing construction work in my head and also people are constantly somersaulting in my stomach.

"When is she going to wake up? It feels like forever. I'm getting scared." a voice said.

"Just relax. She's going wake up soon." another voice came.

"You said the same thing nearly an hour ago!"

"Why isn't she awake yet? I mean, shouldn't we take her to a hospital?"

My eyes were closed but I was hearing everything. I really wish I was sleeping. My head was pounding and they just won't shut up.

"Just shut up already!" someone else shouted.

These obviously were my friends that didn't know about inside voices.

"No. I will not shut up. My best friend hasn't woken up in hours."

"It's called sleeping. You don't exactly sleep for just a minute."

"You know what-"

"Shut up, please." I grumbled. My eyes still closed.

"Ashley!" Came the shouts.

Seriously. What part of shut up do they not understand?

I opened one eye and peeked at them.

"She's alive! She's alive, I say!" Justin shouted dramatically.

I laughed quietly while the others just glared at him.

I looked around my room. I looked at all of my friends hovering over my bed, looking down at me creepily.

"How are you feeling, Ash?" Brandon asked me.

"I'm fine, I guess."

I'm totally lying I feel like shit. I feel like I'm going to puke any minute now.

I really don't remember anything after that kiss with Shane. I looked at him sitting, staring at me and I could feel my cheeks warming up.

I'm kidding. I remember everything. And I would just like to know, at what point in my life am I going to stop embarrassing myself?

I would also like to say...

Fuck you, Jacob!

"Can I ask you a question?" I slowly sat up in bed.

Brandon looked around at the others and then nodded. "Sure." He answered.

"Um, I don't mean to be rude or anything but um, who are you? And where am I? Oops, that was two questions." I giggled.

"You don't know who I am?" Brandon asked, pointing to himself, eyes wide.

"I actually don't know who any of you are." I said. "Any normal person would have screamed and made a run for it if they woke up to strangers staring at them. I just thought, where's the sense in that, I'm already outnumbered, right?"

They just stared at me. Frozen in their spots. Jaws nearly touching the floor.

"You don't remember who we are?" Shane asked, coming closer to the bed.

Alright, alright. No need to become confused. I obviously remember them because I'm saying their names. I mean I just couldn't give up this opportunity to see these reactions. I know it's mean but...

Well there is no 'but.'

I probably won't have any friends after this.

"No. I have no clue who you guys are. I'm sorry." I shrugged.

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