Chapter 34

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Left---- Luke's hot as fuck outfit. <3

Top---- Their date night <3 Just has a different movie playing.

Right-- Ashton's cute as fuck outfit <3 

Also check out the video to find out what the song was that Luke "wrote". Unless you want to wait and have it be a surprise. :D 

[Luke's POV]

Everything was all set up for the date tonight. I was anxious, but Michael was trying to do his best at calming me down. I just couldn't help it though. I wanted everything to be just perfect for Ashton because it's what he deserved. 

"Lucas, calm your ass down. Ash is going to love it and it looks great. Nothing is going to go wrong," Michael said, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye.

"Are you just saying that?" I asked, feeling so much doubt as I looked at the scene we had set up. 

"I only speak the truth, young Hemmings," Michael told me. "Come on. Let's get you back home and dressed or some shit. I don't think Ashton would appreciate if you wore a sweatshirt and basketball shorts and smell like a pig barn," he said with a smirk. 

I didn't have to worry about anyone bothering the setup since Michael had gotten permission from his uncle to use the locked park in his neighborhood that nobody used, so I didn't have any doubts that it would get harmed. Michael and I walked out of the park, Michael locking the gate to the place behind us. 

I got into the passenger side of his car and we went on our way back to my house. Michael was talking or singing - I wasn't sure - but I just drowned him out anyway, thinking of how the date was going to go and what I was going to wear and the scenarios of what could happen. 

We pulled into my driveway and as I went to open the door, I noticed that Michael didn't even unlock it. I looked over at him, seeing that he was looking at me with a quirked eyebrow. 

"Did you even listen to anything I said?" he asked, a smirk playing at his lips. 

"Um...yeah?" I said, coming out as more of a question than a statement. 

"Yeah, well, what was I talking about?" he quizzed, clearly finding this amusing. 

"Ashton...?" I guessed, my voice going up an octave. 

"Not unless he joined All Time Low," Michael scoffed. "You are so whipped, it makes my stomach churn."

He then unlocked the door and the two of us got out. I was hoping that my mum wouldn't be home because I really wasn't in the mood to talk to her or have her gush over Michael. It was going to be weird enough having to lie to her again and tell her that I was taking a girl out or something for the night when she saw me leave. I didn't want to have to pack on more than I already had to. 

That was the one thing that I didn't like about mine and Ashton's relationship. We had to keep it a secret and couldn't act like anything more than friends when my parents or Calum was around. I didn't want to keep it hidden because I just loved Ashton so much. I knew that he understood since I haven't had the courage to come out yet, but I still felt like I was disappointing him some way. In the back of my mind, I knew that he was going to eventually lose patience and that would be the end of us. All because I couldn't find the balls to tell my family about the boy I loved with every ounce of my heart. 

Thankfully, my mum didn't hear us come in and we went straight to the basement. Michael plotted his ass on my bed and I went into my bathroom, turning on the shower. It felt kind of odd to be taking a shower knowing that my best friend was just outside the door, but it wasn't like he was going to see me naked. That sight is for Ashton's eyes only. 

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