The truth is revealed

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Spencer lays on the hospital bed thinking about Toby and why he hasn't come to see her yet. It's been sixteen hours since the car hit Spencer and she has been awake for three hours. The only people that have come to see her are her parents and her sister. Spencer sort of has friends there names are Alison, Hanna and Aria they have not talked in three months since Emily got electrocuted and is in a coma. Then Spencer thinks about who the person was that helped her get to the hospital. All she can remember was that it was a girl and she was blonde. Then just as Spencer thinks about it ,Hazel walks out of the elevator and into Spencer's room. Only then does Spencer realize that Hazel was the one to save her.
"Hey" Hazel says "how are you feeling"?
"Fine" Spencer replies, "but why are you here I barely know you"?
"Oh sorry, I'm Hazel . I helped you yesterday Hazel responds.
"Yeah thanks for that, anyway you wouldn't happen to know where Toby is would you"? Spencer asks not sure if she wants the answer.
"Well I know what he was doing and" Spencer cuts her off and says "listen could you get to the point and tell me how you know Toby and what he's doing".
"Look I really shouldn't tell you Toby wanted it to be a surprise, she says.
"A surprise, how is him cheating on me a surprise " Spencer says sarcastically. "Hahaha, that's funny you think I'm dating Toby , no, no I guess I should just tell you, I am, ............Toby's beloved cousin, who has hasn't seen in five years , so grade eight, it's a surprise because you wanted me to meet you" Hazel says happily.
"You're Toby's cousin, you expect me to believe that"? Spencer asks.
"Yes because it's true , and to prove it , I can tell you exactly what he is doing right now"Hazel replies.
"That's a little creepy " Spencer says under her breath.
"So here's what I know, Toby is going to beat someone up, because it is the person who hit you with their car"Hazel says worried."what!,how could you let him do that, he's going to get himself killed!!!!!!".
"I'm sorry he told me I couldn't come with him, listen I am starving I have to grab some food, do you want some? Hazel asks sincerely.
"No I'm good " Spencer says. Right as Hazel leaves Spencer gets a text which says "poor Spencer, you had your knight and shinning armour , but not for long once I'm done with him he will be no knight or shinning armour, he will be in what I like to call, a royal body bag. Good knight, sleep tight
-sincerely AC
----------------------------------------------hey guys here is my next chapter I hope you enjoy it. The next chapter will come out on April 8th, if the date changes I will post it on my wall. Also I will be starting to write another fan-fiction about pretty little liars, it will come out on April 15th. Don't worry I will still write this fan fiction. I hope you all enjoy, have a great week.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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