CH 7 : Why me?

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• Derek's POV •

Darkness, soundless, and lifeless. I have been in this same darkness for what had felt like forever. Sometimes I will be able to here voices, most of them sounded like Stiles. I would scream his name praying that he heard me but after me screaming my life out, nothing would happen. I have became slightly hopeless of someone saving me. All of this darkness has gave me time to think though.

I had time to think about what happened with me and Kaitlyn. One minute we are just setting there talking about life and the next she is all over me touching my cock and making me touch her tits. My wolf was quite, I didn't understand why he was yelling bloody murder because of me touching another person beside Stiles. The moment when stiles came in through the door and saw what was going on I hated myself. I would never forgive myself for what I did it him.

Thinking of this caused a tear to come to my eye. My Stiles, the boy that annoyed to no end with his sarcastic remarks and stupid decisions. I knew that he was my mate on the first day we locked eyes in the forest. Being the alpha now also makes me want him more everyday. Pain is all I feel anymore. Look at me I'm stuck in a black abbis helpless and with nothing except my thoughts. I realized that I was crying. I wipe them away not wanting to show my weakness.

"So Stiles is your weakness, ah?" spoke a voice. I shot my head up.

"Who is there?! Let me out of here!" I growled, with my claws ready to fight. The unknown person just laughed.

"Oh Derbear, do you really think you can fight me? Your a spirit, lost in the darkness of yourself," it said.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!!" I yelled, only stiles can do that, ONLY Stiles. My eyes were glowing red and my muscles were very tense, ready to fight anything to get my life back.

"If you ever see him again. Listen Derek I have gifts, gifts that allow me to control others spirits. I have done something to your spirit. The only way for you to get because for someone to die to give you your mortal body back," it explained.

I inhaled sharply. "Who does it have to be?"

"Who knows, your mate, friend or family member."

I shiver, the though of someone dying so I could get my body back scared me. But why me?

"But I do have to admit," said the voice seeming to move around me "I did have trouble trapping you. With you and your gifts it was difficult."

"Gifts?" I questioned, but how, I'm already a werewolf?

"Yes, you see everyone in the world has gifts but none of them try to find what makes them... awaken. Even with people such as yourself, being a werewolf and all. You maybe a werewolf but you could rip a tree out of the ground if you really wanted to and strength is just one of your gifts," it said.

I don't know how to react to this new information. All my life I thought my gift was being a werewolf but there was more. I shook my head trying to get back to the point.

"Why would you let me go?" I asked. looking around to nothing but blackness.

"Eh, I might, under one condition though."

"But you said the only way for me to get out is someone die for me?" I said. The voice is very confusing, changing it's mind at random times.

"I did but I want something different now but first do you agree to my deal?"

"What's the deal?"

"Let me control you and your mortal body for a whole 24 hours every September 11th of each year. Tomorrow will be the 11th, you have un-"

"I will do it but, you have to promise me you wont kill or hurt Stiles or any of my friends and family." I stated. Did this voice think that it could make a deal without my part in it, eh no.

It was quite but then it answered a dull yes. Then I asked why on September 11th.

"Because, that is the most active day in the spirit world. A spirit is bound to the day they got killed, and we all know about 9/11. Lots of people died that day... it will also make it easier to control you," it explained.

I rubbed my temples, so much information, so many possiblies. "Alright, I agree, as long as you agree to my concerns."

"As I do."

I shivered a little, I pray nothing horrible happens.

"Now, Im going to do a spell that will only go active on 9/11," I nodded, I just wanted to my mates and pack again.

" για την 11η μια ψυχή σε δύο "
( On the 11th one soul into two. )

Everything went white, I fell to ground feeling as if someone was ripping my flesh from my body. I feel myself slipping back into the darkness.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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