Chapter Six

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Chapter 6 - Happy Birthday

Two hands cover my eyes from behind and I chuckle while trying to turn. "Guess who?"

I bit my lip smiling, "Chase."

"Ding ding ding!"

I spin around to face him and he holds up a bouquet of daisies. "These are for you."

I study the beautifully dyed daisies. They were purple, pink, and white. "Thank you." I take them from him and put them in my locker.

"Not going to read the card?" He frowns.

"Oh!" I reach in and grab the little envelop hooked to the bunch of flowers. I carefully open it and pull out a little pink card. It had little eyelet designs around the edges, and in the center there was a little white bow.

I open the card and begin to read the writing inside, "Dear Anna, please join-"

"Please don't read it out loud." I look up to Chase who had cut me off and noticed he was blushing.


'Dear Anna, please join me this weekend to the annual drive in theater at the park.'

Chase was looking queasy and I chuckled at how shy he was being. "I'd love to." I lean in and kiss his cheek a bit more sensually than I kissed Elliot's. I could feel his skin heat beneath my lips as I allowed them to linger for a moment. "Pick me up Saturday at eight?" I questioned and he speechlessly nods. "Great."


Elliot is standing in front of me glaring. I just told him about my date Saturday and he doesn't seem very thrilled.

"I don't know why you care." I stated. Why does he think that he has a say in who I date?

"Because it's Chase."

"So?" What's wrong with Chase? He seems like a gentleman.

"I don't like him."



"Well why?" I press.

"Because I don't."

This conversation is so pointless. It's not going anywhere, so I will.

"I can make my own decisions Elliot. Until you can respect that, leave me alone."

I left Elliot standing outside his house, watching me drive off.

Elliot seems much more controlling than when I left. Something seems off about him. I've known him all my life, but something is different and it's telling me not to trust him.

Like why was that girl so disgusted by the thought of being with him? He's a good looking guy, and she was fairly pretty. They could've hit it off, but she seemed so repulsed by him.

I need to find out why, but first who is that?

I slow down at a stop sign and across the four way is a boy on a motorcycle. I've seen plenty of attractive boys but he.... he is something else. I can't see much due to his helmet but I can see deep chocolate brown hair peeking out, and the skin on his arms held a nice tan. His body seems more on the muscular side, probably from sports just like Chase. He looks like he could be into football, and he's probably about my age.

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