Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21 - He misses you

Sadly my ankle caused me to get kicked off the cheer squad.

Coach was sad about having to do it but I understood. There's not much left to the football season anyways. I doubt we're even going to make it into state finals. The team this year sucks. No offense to Chase.

I can still be better than Courtney without being a cheerleader. Of course she was more than thrilled to have me off the team though.

Still, that girl deserves to have herself taken down a few notches.

And what she doesn't know is that coach asked me if I would still come around for practice. She said the girls could use tips from me.

If that doesn't drive Courtney over the edge, then I don't know what will.

Giving that girl orders will be a dream come true. It's like giving her a smack in the face without having to lay a hand on her.


Ahh yes, all eyes still on me. It's pretty annoying actually. I miss having my personal space and being a loser but this is all worth it.

Ever since I got to school this morning, everyone is falling all over me. Even the popular girls, which works in my favor with the Courtney thing. They've all been helping me carry my books from class to class. They all feel so bad for me because I'm injured. They said having someone break into my house must have been the scariest thing the world.

On the other hand, all the boys are swooning me. Saying I'm a total bad ass for jumping out a window. Unlike the girls, they think it's the coolest thing ever that someone broke into my house. I wish I could see it that way, but I was there, not them.

It is however funny that the boys have twisted me into some brave hero, because in reality I was just a scared girl fleeing for her life.

"Hey Anne." I cringe at the name that my aunt used to call me. She thought it was 'cute for a little red head girl.' All because of the musical Annie.

Maybe my aunt is the reason that I hate musicals so much.

"Please Jake, don't call me that." I plead.

"Sorry, Anna." He corrects himself.

I've warmed up to Parker's friends. Jake mostly. He's pretty cool. I can tell he's Parker's main man, no doubt about it. The other ones are just kind of dimwitted. Especially Blake, and don't get me started on Rick.

Rick is a person I could live without. He doesn't go one freaking second without making a pass at me and every other decent looking girl in the school. It's pretty sickening.

So in other words, he's basically every girl's, mother's, and father's nightmare, because somehow, just somehow, his repetitive fails at being suave actually works on most girls.

Anyways, this is the first I've heard from Jake since my fall out with Parker, so I'm sure I know why he's here.

"I'm assuming you're talking to me on Parker's behalf?" I question.

"You got me." He laughs.

I've been ignoring Parker for the greater good. I left out the back door of the cafe and never looked back. I've decided to give up on this quest. He's not worth the time because he was right.

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