Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter 27 - Big Red Door

We can't arrest him. We have no evidence that it was him. He's a free citizen until something pops up.

No evidence that it was him.

We will be together eventually.

I just wanted to be with you.

We're so perfect together.

Please don't leave me.

I love you, Anna.

I jolt up and grip the edges of my bed while breathing heavily. My breaths are quick and raspy.

My eyes squint at the bright lights and I know that I must have fallen asleep.

"About time you wake up." My eyes focus on the blonde girl sitting at my vanity, holding a guitar.

"Hey Mallory."

"You still play?" She strums a few cords and sets the instrument back on it's stand.

"No." She frowns a little and re-adjusts herself.

"So he's obsessed with me? Is that what you needed to tell me? Because trust me when I say I've already found out."

"I know, your dad told me."

"So then why are you here?" I say sounding slightly bitter, but honestly, she isn't my friend anymore so what's the point in this.

"There's so much more Anna."

Mallory stands up and walks to my bed, "May I?" She asks before I nod my head and she plops down next to me. "I miss being your friend Anna, but there's a reason to all this Courtney drama."


"After you left, Courtney came up to me one day. She told me that Elliot had cheated on me with a few random girls. No big deal right? People cheat. I would've broken up with him just because of that but then I picked up on some random creepy details." I stare at her waiting for what words come next. "Just stupid things like, all the girls were redheads. I mean come on, what are the odds of that? He started acting so weird when you left that it just fit together."

"Gross." I cringe.

"It's like he was trying to replace you." She shudders. "Anyway, the reason I actually ended up leaving Elliot was because I found some creepy shrine of you in a box. There were things like hair, nail polish, clothing, and pictures. Oh my God, the pictures were the worst part. There were ones of you sleeping Anna. I was so disturbed and I obviously had to leave him if not for the cheating with your look-a-likes, but because of that. I mean come on, that's so messed up. Hair, Anna. Hair."

To say the least, I don't think I've ever felt so disturbed in my life. I was like his prey. It's so sick and demented. He was after me the entire time.

"So why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"You were dealing with your family issues. I didn't want to be the one who burdens you with even more stress. Besides, you were gone so I figured it was irrelevant. I didn't know you were going to come back here."

I can't blame the girl. I'd probably handle it the same way. But something else was biting at me. "Why are you so buddy buddy with Courtney?"

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