Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter 28 - Love is in the Air

I slowly reach for my window button and push it down. "Hey Elliot." I practically just squeaked out.

"Hey you look like you need some help."

"Sort of." There was no denying it.

Elliot then looked over at Mallory. "Oh hey there." He smiled, but it was obviously forced. "Why don't one of you get out and help me push from the front. Probably you Mallory, looks like you have boots on."

Mallory looked down at her feet before slowly opening her door and climbed out. "Alright Anna, now when we push, you just floor it." Elliot instructed.

I watched as Elliot joined Mallory's side in front of my car. It was kind of eerie seeing them side by side, but not together. Elliot said something to Mallory and she nodded.

As Mallory's hands go down onto the hood, Elliot nods to me, and I start to press the gas.

Elliot secures the gloves on his hands and reaches into his pocket. I continue to press on the gas, expecting him to start pushing.

The air was thick with snow that was being spit off my tires, and I squint my eyes, trying to see through the cloud of white.

I heard a scream and a thump, and I could feel a force lift away from my car.

I immediately take my foot off the gas, allowing the air to clear, and I fling my door open. In front of me was Mallory slumped over my car, holding her side as Elliot grinned down at her. I could see her breathing deeply as the white mist left her lips endlessly.

I could feel adrenaline pumping and my heart racing. My hands felt clammy and shaky and I was unsure of what to do except to run to Mallory.

"Mallory. Mallory!" I shook her in hopes of getting a verbal response, but all I got was a moan. I could see red smear together with the snow on the hood of the car.

"You sick freak." I spit out, glaring into Elliot's eyes. He looked so proud of himself, like a true pyschopath.

I lunge at him and start swinging. "I hate you! I hate you! I hope you burn in hell!"

Somewhere in the process I heard the clank of his pocket knife hitting my car, and I know that I must have knocked it out of his hand. It was lost in the snow and it was one less worry.

I raised my arm to swing at him again but both of his hands caught my wrists. "I can't have her telling you lies." Elliot whispers close to my face, his hot breath making me nauseous. The look in his eyes was no longer an Elliot that I once knew, but of someone who is deeply mentally disturbed, and who had a sick kind of lust in his mind.

"Let go of me." I shove my body against his and we roll onto the ground, next to my car.

His hands loosen their hold and I roll onto my stomach. I dug my hands into the heavy snow, began kicking, and tried to pull myself forward. I only got a foot ahead before I was flipped over onto my back.

Elliot's body rose and he pulled me up with him, keeping me close to his body.

I thought I heard the muffler of a car near by and I started screaming but Elliot's hand clamped over my mouth.

I whipped my body around and bit into his hand, getting out one good yell before something hit me hard.

I stumbled back a bit, bumping into my car. My vision was blurred and my face stung.

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