Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15 - I will make you want me

Tonight is the big night. The Fall Ball is a big deal for the seniors here. It's basically like a second prom. The girls would generally wear long evening gowns, and the boys wear snazzy black tuxedos.

I could've went with a long dress but once again, the goal is for me to stand out.

I'm a little bummed that I wasn't able to bring Chase and Mallory together. Well, back together. I don't care for her group of friends, but I'll always care about her, and I really think he should give her another chance.

Mallory was always a total hopeless romantic. She might not show it, but I know that inside she is probably falling apart. I'm sure she misses him. She's probably still head over heels for him, and hey he's not a bad kisser, so there's that to miss.

I guess my new goal to bring them together could be Winterfest. It's a winter wonderland themed school dance, and it has a very sparkly.... magical feel.

It's in December on the last Saturday before Christmas break. They could maybe share a dance and then have lingering thoughts about each other all of winter break. Then they'll run back into each other's arms the second school is back in session.

Maybe that's a long shot. It's still worth a try though. I suppose I should start getting ready now or Parker will be stood up at my door. He told me he'd pick me up at seven, and it's already five. I haven't even showered yet. I've been hardcore procrastinating all day long. My dad baked pumpkin pie, so I've been indulging all day while watching shark week episodes on Netflix.

I get up off my bed and turn my attention to the dress hanging on my closet door. It really is a pretty dress, but I'm nervous about being the only one in a short dress. I know I'm trying to make a statement but I'm still iffy feeling. But hopefully it will make the other girls notice me.

It's all about drawing their attention away from Courtney, and onto me. I'm kind of in a contradicting position though. I'm trying to make them like me but they will envy me for being with Parker, and will be jealous and hate my guts. It's so complicated.


I curl my hair into a soft braided side ponytail. It adds a nice subtle touch to the dress. The perfect mix of flirty and sexy. I even put a few rhinestone pins throughout the braid.

My make up is dark and seductive. I used fake eyelashes to have a more bold effect. I left my lips nude so that my eyes would be more dramatic. Besides, I personally thought red lips with a red dress would be trashy looking on me. I just can't pull off too many vibrant things going on at once.

I step into my dress, noticing it was a bit tighter. I'm due for my period any day here and I'm somewhat bloated. It sucked because I was really hoping to look nice and slim in this dress. I guess I still do, but my self conscious hormonal side is telling me that I'm bulging at the seams.

I pair my dress with some strappy black pumps. I have to say the mild lace on the pumps, really flattered the lace on the dress. Thankfully my summer tan is still with me so the black isn't making my usually ghostly legs look too washed out.


I look at the time. Eight forty. I don't know why I'm still sitting on the bench by my door, with this stupid boutonniere in my hand.

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