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I stepped out of the cab and looked up at the big, fancy house, I was supposed to go to, in front of me. I looked around and made sure that I was at the right place because it was the only house that looked this big and this beautiful around here so I might be wrong but then again Justin's friends were probably just as rich as him and could afford a place like this.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the front door where I pressed the bell that was over big letters, spelling RAMIREZ. The guy was definitely hispanic and that was good because I felt a lot more comfortable around hispanics. I had no idea why it was like that, I just guesses because I was hispanic myself.


The door opened a little while later and in front of me stood a handsome young man. He was most likely in his late twenties, had brown eyes and dark short hair and he was a few inches taller than me.

He looked me up and down, his stare totally intimidating and I got nervous and tigthend the grip on the straps of my backpack.

We stayed in silence for a few seconds and I decided to say something before it got even more awkward. Besides if I wanted to stay the night in this house, I should try to make a conversation with him.

"Um hello," I said after clearing my throat. I tightened and untigthened my grip on the straps and tried not to get too intimidated by his stare. "I'm-" I began to introduce myself but I was interrupted shortly after.

"Cassandra Rodriguez, I know," he said. "I was expecting you, I'm James" he introduced himself, pronouncing his name in the spanish way and smiling at me. He looked so much friendlier now and his smile was contagious, it made me smile right back at him. "Come in please," he said, stepping to the side and motioned for me to enter the house.

"Thank you," I replied and then I walked inside the house. After James closed the door behind me he led me through the house to the enormous living-room. This house was crazy. It was like our house in LA just five times more modern and damn if this guy wasn't a stranger I would have asked him if I could move in here.

As soon as I am back in LA I'm gonna make some changes in the house. Yup. Definitely gonna do that.

"I hope I'm not inconveniencing," I said to him as he offered me a place to sit and I put my backpack down before I took the seat on the large L-shaped couch.

"No, don't worry really. It's actually nice to meet the one who this whole thing is about," he chuckled and I just smiled shyly and looked down at my lap where I was playing with my fingers.

I couldn't help but think that he meant the entire kidnapping thing with 'whole thing'. Since my brother had gone all around the world looking for me, everyone he was associate with knew who I was and honestly it made me a little uncomforable. I would prefer being unknown but on the other note I got myself into this mess and I knew that I was definitely not going to get out of it soon.

"You don't have to be shy around me. I'm a chill person, I promise," James spoke up after a moment of silence between us. I looked up and my eyes met his. He was smiling.

"Okay," I nodded once and smiled back at him. James asked me if I wanted to drink something and I told him that water would be okay and then he disappeared into another room.

I took the time to look around the room I was in. It was so damn beautiful and everything looked so clean and expensive and just too perfect. The moment Justin was going to arrive here I was going to talk to have a word or two with him about how our future home was going to look like because I wanted it like this.

Endless Love {3} | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now