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"Alright, I'm going to start off by asking you how you are doing?" Daniel asked me after he asked for me to follow him and led me away from the others to the hall. He had this concerned look on his face when he looked down at me and that's when I knew that he knew that something was going on.

"Okay," I replied quietly as I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm going through some stuff," I added and sighed right after.

Daniel didn't say anything first, instead he came closer to me and put his arms around my body. We stayed like that for a little while, not saying anything while we hugged each other and it honestly felt so good to be held by my brother right now. "Are you going to tell me?" my brother then asked me but he didn't pull away from the hug.

"Yes. That's why I am here," I told him. I didn't want to talk about what was on my mind straight away so I wanted to do something else first and I already had something in mind. "Can we go to the basement?"

Daniel unwrapped his hands from my body, took a step back and raised his brow at me. "How do you know about our basement?"

"I have been here with Justin once," I told him and smiled when the memories of that day came flooding in my head. It was the first time Justin had showed all the things he did, all the drugs and guns and that day was also the first time he told me he loved me. I was never going to forget that.

Daniel gave in a code on the security device on the wall and the carpet on the floor, that wasn't really a carpet, disappeared to the side and gave us access to the basement. I was never going to get over how cool this was. My brother and I walked down the stairs, me first and him following behind me. I passed all the familiar doors on my left and right and went straight to the room where they kept their guns and where the shooting range was.

I really wanted to do some shooting right now. It was a good stress reliever and that was something I needed. It had been a while since I fired a gun but I trusted myself enough to know that my skills were still on point. In case they weren't, it was not like I was putting anyone in danger so I would be just fine.

"Have you ever held a gun?" Daniel asked from behind me when I did nothing but stare at the guns all over the wall.

"I have Daniel. You'd be surprised how good I can handle a gun," I told him confidently as I turned around to face him with a wide smile.

"Show me then," he said, kind of challenging me and I had no problem accepting that challenge.

Asking him which of the guns were loaded, he told me which one was and I took it in my hands before I made my way to the shooting range. The were many silhouette targets hanging from the ceiling and Daniel turned one of the targets around so that it looked like a big white piece of paper. He drew crosses with circles around them all over the paper and told me shoot right at the crosses or inside the cirles.

When Daniel stood next to me again, I lifted my hand with the gun, focused on the targets and then I began shooting. I shoot inside all the circles and out of seven crosses I hit three, which wasn't that bad. Once I finished, I brought the gun the my lips, blew the non existent smoke away and then I put the gun in the back of my pants, smiling at my brother afterwards who was looking at me with an impressed expression on his face. "Damn, lil sis you are good," he complimented and patted my back which made me giggle. "When did you learn this?" he wanted to know from me.

"When I came to LA I had some insecurity problems and I wanted to work on myself so I have been taught by the others," I answered his question.

"I guess you are now fully introduced to the gang life," he noted and I nodded my head at how true this was. I learned how to handle guns, I learned how to fight, the boys showed me how to deal with drugs and with weapons. I went on missions and earned my money that way and thinking about it that actually made me a criminal but being honest, I didn't really care. "Were you mad when you found out that I had to do with all this?" he then wanted to know from me.

Endless Love {3} | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now