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"What do you mean I should calm down?" I said to Will and widened my eyes at him for telling me to be calm at a situation like this.

After Justin and I had opened the letter that had come for me earlier in the day I was anything but calm. First I had been frozen, totally shocked at the message because it was something I didn't expect and it came so sudden and I really started thinking about everything I had done in the past and if I could have offended someone with my behaviour but nothing and no one was on my mind. And because I had no idea, I panicked.

For a moment I thought that it was Liliana maybe because she was the only one I could think of and she was the type of girl to do things like that but Justin didn't believe it was her because she knew better than to mess any more with me and to piss off the gang, so that basically kicked her out of the equation.

I was so freaked out by this and honestly so scared that somebody out there wanted to hurt me for whatever reason. I didn't even know what the person was talking about, saying that I had something that belonged to him. I never stole anything from anybody nor did I hide something. Justin said it was going to be okay and that he was going to be there to protect me and that was great but it didn't change the fact that there was somebody out there who was threatening me, probably watching my every move and just waiting to do me wrong.

When Justin had noticed that the things he had been saying weren't calming me down he had suggested to go see Will because maybe he could help us with this situation. I really had no idea how he was going to help us with this but anything was better than to sit here and worry about it.

Will had been just as calm as Justin when he read the paper, which I didn't understand because somebody was threatening my life and theirs also. Will had then suggested to make a list of suspects and again I only came up with Liliana and Nadja because they were the only ones I had pissed off recently but I had been back to square one again when I had came up with reason why it could be them.

Lastly Will had suggested to take a look at the surveillance cameras that we had around the house to see if we could identify the person who had brought the letter here. We had actually seen someone on the tape but he was wearing all black and had a mask on his face which prevented us to see how he looked like and that upset me a lot. Now we really had nothing but a sheet of paper and that wasn't getting us anywhere.

"I mean exactly that," Will replied. "Just sit down, take a deep breath and drink some water," he added and then he looked down to his computer again and started typing something.

If there was something I hated it was someone telling me to calm down when I didn't want to calm down because that just caused me to act up more. I was getting a little bit angry at Will because since we had been here he had done nothing to help me and then he had the nerve to tell me to calm down when this thing was scaring the shit out of me.

I was about to go off at him but Justin noticed that and put his hand on my arm as he shook his head, telling silently not to say anything right now and I closed my mouth that I had opened a second ago again and breathed in before I let out a long breath. Pulling me to him, Justin wrapped his hands around me to hug me and run his hands through my hair. I laid my head on his chest and felt myself relax a little. In Justin's arms I felt safe, like nothing and no one could touch or hurt me. When he had his arms around me it felt like home and I could forget about everything that was bothering me for a moment and I never wanted to be out of his embrace because I knew that if I did let him go all the problems would be back and I had to find a way to solve them and I rather not think about it, especially now.

Endless Love {3} | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now