What's Wrong Kitten?~ Chapter 10

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Letter to Dan

Dear Dan,

It took me a bit to think about what to call you in this letter. So, I just said "Dan". But you're not just "Dan" you are so much more to me. You are my best friend, my savior... And my lover. The day you took me in into your home was a dream come true. I was lost and thought nobody would love a freak like me. But you changed that. Any normal "Dan" wouldn't make me fall in love 68 times a day. Not just any "Dan" would take in a mute Neko and help them. I may not know many "Dans" but I know they aren't you. Oh boy, do you drive me wild. From cuddles to kisses, you take my breath away. You took me, Phil, most scared creature in the world and make me the most happy being to live. But Dan... Let's not forget 2009. This year, we both started our own YouTube channels and a jointed-channel. We both met new people, saw new places. But it never changed us. Can we stay like this forever please? I like holding your hand, I like the random hugs, I like the cute pecks on the cheek. You aren't my master, nor am I your slave. But we are Dan and Phil, two guys who love each other more than anyone can ever. Tonight baby, the stars in the sky have disappeared. But when I look at you, they were in your eyes. Your touch... It's make the butterflies flutter. Your smile... Takes my breath away. The way you look at me... Makes me want to caress your cheek and plant kisses on your lips, or push you against a wall and do dirty things to you... But Dan? I want to be yours forever. I want to marry you Dan. But sadly, you won't see this letter... Because I know I'd wimp out like I did Thursday. I had the ring in my hands and knew exactly what to say... But I couldn't do it. One day I will... I know I will... I'm not going to force it... I'll let it just simply happen at its own speed. Until then Dan, your last name will remain Howell.

Phil looks over the note and sighs folding it back up placing it in his box. "One day Dan..." He smiles, wiping the tear that escaped from his eye with his sleeve.

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