[1] ((A new sister))

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-= (Third Person POV) =-

"Remind me again why we're in the middle of a winter forest?" a young boy, probably 7 years old, with silver hair asked one of his fellow friends.

"'pp'r'ntl' th'r''s ' n'w c''ntr'." The tallest of the friends mumbled.

(Apparently there's a new country)

"I can't wait to meet him, or her!" the shortest of them excitedly said, picking up the dog that trailed them.

"I just can't wait for the newbie to be part of our awesome group! We can show him or her new tricks or, or-!" the second tallest, with gravity defying blond hair, said, but was cut off by his 'best friend'.

"Shut it Dane. I just hope this new country doesn't end up being a Denmark no. 2." The man who was choking the gravity defied hair said monotonously. His eyes changing directions, in search of the new country.

Suddenly, a sound was produced and echoed through the forest of slim trees. This caught the attention of the group. They sprinted towards that direction only to be shocked.

It was a girl with, a red and white flag that had a circle on it which was tied to her neck, and flew in the wind, as well as her shoulder length, pale blonde hair. She was holding a bloody sword, and her arm was bleeding. She wore a white nightgown which was tied back by a ribbon at the back. She beared no footwear and only had a red beanie which hung over her head.

In front of the girl was a fatally injured Arthur who was in front of a Francis squeezing young Alfred and Matthew. The Nordics immediately joined in to defend Arthur from the young child. Emil and Arthur was told to go to Francis's huddle group while the rest were fighting, since it would be dangerous for the two to interfere.

After the sounds of crashing metal, the Nordics were successful in defeating the girl.

Tino hurried over to check if the girl still had a pulse. She did, but it wasn't as strong as it should be.

"What are you bloody idiots doing here?" Arthur asked, not daring to move his arm in case it collapsed.

"Just trying to find the new country we've been hearing about and making him or her an awesome Nordic!" the one with spiky hair, otherwise known as Matthias, said happily.

"Well, mon ami, you just knocked her out!" Francis said, calming the two boys from the fight they just witnessed.

"S' th't's th' n'w c''ntr'y w''v' b''n h''r'ng 'b''t?" Berwald asked (mumbled).

(So that's the new country we've been hearing about?)

"It appears so." Lukas whispered, noticing a golden necklace which rested on the young country's neck, which read 'Greenland', and also noticed that the 'cape' was the flag of the young nation.

"Hey, Canadia! Do you think this girl will be our li'l sis?" Alfred asked his purple-eyed brother who was squeezing the poor life out of Kumajirou.

"Alfred, who are you talking to? And anyways, the girl will not be your little sister." Arthur said, correcting Alfred's English.

Matthias picked up the new, country bridal style, and disappeared off and out of the forest, followed by his fellow Nordics.

Once he rested the little girl, he noticed a bundle of pure white hair which was braided and camouflaged in her light blonde hair. Her arms were tied, along with her feet, making escape very difficult, and placed her sword in the corner of the room.

Matthias left the room and sat on the sofa which was being shared by Lukas and Emil. Matthias being Matthias, butting in and interfering their conversation. The day went as it usually would until Tino screamed from upstairs. The remaining four, Berwald who was reading, Emil who was chewing his liquorice love, Lukas who was strangling Matthias with his tie, and Matthias who was being strangled by Lukas, ran up the stairs, to the bedroom which held 'Greenland' captive.

Once the four entered, their expressions became more, shocked, worried, (with the exception of Lukas) as they saw the small girl wrapping her small, fragile, pale hands on Tino's neck, squeezing it. Berwald ran over to gently slide off Greenland's hands off Tino's neck. Luckily her hands were still tied, making the situation easier to handle. The girl was tied to a chair, while Tino was being checked by Berwald.

Lukas grabbed another chair and placed it in front of Greenland and asked her some questions. She didn't answer them though. Instead she shook or nodded her head.

Lukas gave a sigh before asking his last question.

"Can you talk?"

Greenland opened her mouth, but no words came out.

Lukas sighed, walking out of the room which was being occupied by the girl, Matthias and Emil, and stepped into his room. He walked out later, carrying a colourful drawing pad, and a 4 coloured pen clipped to it. He walked in to the once again occupied room which was filled with all the Nordics and the captured country. He untied her hands and feet, but placing a collar with a chain strapped to it, on her before untying them. He gave her the drawing pad and pen, and she began scribbling words on it.

'Thanks for the book, but why am I here?'

"You are here because we want you to be part of our awesome family!" Matthias shouted, a wide smile planted on his face.

'I am (y/n), but the reprasantashon of Greenland.'

"Ok, but why did you strangle me?" Tino asked, trying to give her a smile, but failing.

'Sry about that, but I thout u wer the same person who almost kiled me yesterday.'

Tino looked down to the sky-blue carpeted floor before admitting that it was him.

'Who r u ppl?'

Lukas introduced himself, but adding some comments to make it easy for (y/n) to remember them, especially Matthias, he gave him really mean-ish comments, but Matthias took it as a joke, thinking that his 'best friend' was just joking with him, even though Lukas thought otherwise.

After some more exchange of words (y/n)'s stomach growled, it was begging for food.

'Do u guys hav food?'

Tino nodded and asked her what she would like to eat, since he would be the one making it.

'I dont mind'

They all walked downstairs, Lukas carrying (y/n) since she's been stabbed in the legs. He also took her collar off, since she was part of the new family.

~Le time skip: brought to you by Russia's Magic Metal Pipe of Pain, don't go near it~

4 years later (You're about 6 now, in human age)

Night Time/ Bed time

After another party for one of the Nordics, (y/n) and Iceland was tucked into bed. Lukas was busy with his magic (or diary, honhonhon~), Matthias was drinking his beer, Tino was washing the dishes while Berwald was making furniture.


The older countries got up, off their butts (word somehow thinks a$$es is not a word) and ran up the flight of stairs, into the room that produced the sound.

Their eyes widened, Lukas' widened just a little bit, at the sight they were seeing.

It was a strawberry-blond man carry a sleeping (y/n). He looked at the Nordics and smiled, his baby blue and pink eyes swirling.

"We'll be taking the little poppet. You know, just for some time. Maybe 3 or 5 years. Ta ta!" he said, jumping out of the open window. Leaving the Nordics scared, confused and mad.

"They're coming..."

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