[7] ((Past Memories))

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-= (Finland/Tino's POV) =-

I squeezed the micro nation as I witnessed what was happening to our beloved, long lost sister. We were in the forest, and when I say we, I mean the Nordics, the BTT, Lithuania, Poland and the F.A.C.E family. (y/n), otherwise known as Greenland, was walking around the forest, holding her axe, with two eyepatches covering both her eyes. She had a wicked and evil smile, and liquid was falling from her face, from her eyepatches to her chin. She wore her country's flag, I think, and her normal attire, which consisted of her long brown coat, white collared shirt which was tied by a red ribbon, a short (2nd f/c) skirt, leather shoes, a belt and a beanie. Her dyed (h/c) changed into her pale blonde and (h/c) ombre.

Was she crying blood?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Greenie (Your new nickname xP deal with it) sprinting towards our direction.

How did she know?

My thoughts were once again interrupted when Peter, Sve and I made a run to Lukas, Matthias and Emil's hiding place. Once we reached there, Berwald and Peter were safe in their hideout, but Greenie grabbed my collar just when I was about to settle in. When I was face to face with her, she began to cry some more, and if possible, her smile seemed to widen.

"I fOUnd yOU~!" she singed out.

I was too terrified to do anything. If I hurt her, I hurt the sister we had, if I don't hurt her, she'll hurt me! She grabbed her head and began to shake her head side-to-side.

"Come on (y/n)! Get a hold of yourself. You need answers, not blood." She muttered to herself, before her eyepatches faced me.

"Tell me the truth about me. And hurry, or else I'll bring you to big brother Luciano for his special pasta." She pleaded, calming me down too.

"Sure, but, what's in it for me?" I asked, trying to show my confidence, but later collapsed and fear began make its way towards me.

"Well, big bro Luci won't make you our dinner. What more could you want?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I want you to take off your eyepatches and show me your eyes."

"Gomenasai, but that's not going to happen."

"What? But why?"

"Mein gott, how many times am I going to have to get it through your little, bakka head? I can't!"

"Well then answer this question. Why?"

"Fine! Fine Mr. Stubborn. I will show you! But you have to hold your end of the deal. Got that?"

I nodded. She proceeded to untie her two eyepatches. Her left eye was grey, unlike how it used to be, which was a bright (e/c) colour that always shined with happiness. The pupil, though, was nowhere to be seen. My brain felt numb when I realised what this meant. She was blind. Her right eye was stitched together, with red string. Crimson liquid slid through her cheek as soon as the eyepatch was released. She began to tie her eyepatches once again, right eye first, then left.

"You speak a word of this to anyone, then you're gonna be in Ollie's cupcakes." She warned. "Now begin the story, since I saw you in my dream, which I would call a flashback."

"Well, you see. We um... I don't think you'll believe me, but uh.... Me, you, the others, your friend and Emil, are well... personifications of countries." I stopped to looked at her reaction, but with the eyepatches on, it didn't look obvious, but her mouth was opened wide into a letter 'O' (<<< Your face XD).

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