[8] ((Which will it be?)) {End}

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"Let the game begin!" The 2p of Greenland shouted, swinging her axe up in the air. The other 2ps, and Greenland, equipped their weapons. Luciano- knives, Kuro- katana, Lutz- (insert gun), Allen- nailed bat, Mathieu- hockey stick, Oliver- cupcakes and knives, Loki- flamethrower, Francois- cigarette (?), Thurston- sword, and so on. The 1ps became frightened, some immediately surrendered (I'm sure you can guess who... *coughItalycough*) while others hid or grabbed an item that could be considered a weapon *coughchopstickscough*. The really smart ones brought their weapons.

The 'game' of war (is that a game?) began, the surrendered ones were spared and brought behind the opposing side. Eventually almost the whole world surrendered to their dark side (the ones who didn't were the ones who weren't in the meeting *coughmicronationscough* I need to stop coughing).

The strongest country, which was now Greenland, who fainted once again.

"Hey, why did the doll faint?" Al asked.

"Well, she just got her eyes stitched, so what do you think?" Mat spat.

"Or, she got her memories back." Ollie stated.

"Why-a is that-a bad-a thing?" Luciano asked, wiping the blood off his favourite knife.

Silence filled the air, before Sealand came running through the doors, pulling Wy and shouting stuff.

"Hey! Mommy! Daddy! Why is the meeting taking you so long?" he shouted, but stopped when he saw the room filled with blood, and the nations surrendering to the 14 2ps! and a limp Greenland.

"What happened here? And who are you people?" Wy walked in, eyes widening when she saw a limp girl on the ground. She pointed towards Greenland, while Sealand ran towards her. "Who is she, and is she dead?!"

"A. She is not dead. B. She is the rong rost Nordic country carred Greenland. Whire, 1. We just had a war and we won. 2. I am Kuro, 2p Japan whire the others are 2p Axis, Arries, Nordics and Greenrand." Kuro stated, giving hand gestures.

"Si bella. I believe-a you are-a a micro nation-a?" Luciano asked, bowing sarcastically.

Sealand began shaking his 'sister's' shoulder and shouting more things.

"Wake up (y/n)!!"

No response.

"I'll play with you if you do!"


"Wake up or else you have to buy me candy!"

Once again, no reply.

Wy just stood on the side, witnessing Sealand's (is it meltdown or breakdown??) and tapped his shoulder to calm him down, which worked. He walked away from his 'sister' and squeezed Wy, while she just messed with his hair (I ship this XD).

"Oh no. This is worse than I thought." Ollie interrupted.

Everyone else in the room shot a stare at the Brit, waiting for an explanation for his panic.

"And, like, why is that... um... Oliver?" Poland asked.

"Hai, why is that so Oriver-san?" Kuro added.

"Yeah. *Sniff* Why is it *sniff* even worse than *sniff* you thought *sniff* Mr Oliver?" Sealand blurted out.

"Yeah dude! Explain."

"Please explain further, Oliver, was it?"



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