[4] ((Something's Wrong))

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-= (Your POV) =-

There's a new boy in the orphanage. His name is Emil, and apparently he doesn't remember his last name. No one does. For some reason he keeps following me... weird. Anyways, I easily befriended him, but Feliks took a very long time to do that, but at least he finally managed. I wonder if he knows if I'm a girl. Anyways, another couple walked in through the doors, and they adopted Feliks, leaving me behind. I felt sad, but Feliks told me that we would meet again, in the future in another time, and in another place. This made me a crying mess. He lent me some of his dresses, while I lent him some of my male clothes. He finished packing, and pecked my forehead, and waved goodbye.

Emil just stared at me. Well, he doesn't know how it feels when you lose someone you loved. I went straight to the girls' room and changed into a long (2nd f/c) jacket, which had white rims. I also wore a white collared shirt, and tied it with a (f/c) ribbon. I tied my hair into a mini ponytail with the same colour ribbon. I took off my contacts, and replaced it with the eyepatch. I wore knee-high leather boots, belts and white leggings. My (3rd f/c) skirt reached up to half of my knees. I placed my white beanie on my head and walked out of the room. (Please refer to the picture above if you are confused, it was made by me :3) Being dressed as a female pirate felt nice, since I could be a girl, and I didn't have to wear the long dresses or corsets.

I ran out of the door, to the world outside, but I quickly took my sword and its sheath, and equipped it onto my belt. I grabbed the first boy I saw, which was luckily Emil, and handed him a dagger.

"Let's battle Emil!" I pleaded/shouted happily.

Emil just sighed, and took off the dagger from its sheath. I did the same to my sword. And thus our battle commenced.

After a few sounds of clashing metal, I won the match. But Emil made a comeback, by throwing his dagger while I was walking away, which had cut the string that held my hair, and eyepatch together. I didn't mind if it was only my hair, but my eyepatch, then it's a no no. My right eye, which was blind, widened, as my left eye saw Emil's reaction to seeing the eye.

He was horrified, and scared.

I quickly covered my right eye, so no one else in town witnesses the sight of the eye. I then began to run back to the orphanage, leaving the eyepatch behind, as well as the shocked Emil.

I ran to the orphanage, but in front were three men. All three were dressed as pirates. One had white hair, another had blond, while the other had brown. I pushed them aside, knowing that I would get into a fight with them, but still pushed them aside. I kept running until one of them grabbed my collar, causing a squeak to escape from me.

I still closed my right eye, though it was hard when you're trying to stare into someone's eyes and hanging off the ground.

It was the white haired.

He had white hair, crimson red eyes that were similar to my right eye. He was wearing a black pirate outfit with a black pirate hat, which had feathers hanging off of it, and a red cape. A bird sat on his pirate hat. The other two were also wearing pirate outfits. The brunette who had emerald green eyes, was wearing a red pirate with a green hat, while the blond one, who had sea-blue eyes, was wearing a baby blue pirate outfit with a midnight blue hat. All of them varied in their own ways.

The albino spoke up.

"So frau, vhy did jou push me, ZHE AWESOME PRU-GILBERT!!?"

"I wasn't looking where I was going sir. I'm sorry!" I pleaded.

He scanned me, and saw that I was wearing a female pirate outfit and I was holding my sword.

"How about ve battle instead? If jou vin, ve'll leave jou alone. But if ve vin, jou come viz us and become part of our AWESOME group, since jou seem to like pirates." He insisted.

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