[6] ((Blank Memories))

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-= (Your POV) =-

"Al! Mat! Can I join in with hunting poachers with you guys?" I asked Allen and Mathieu who were about to hunt for poachers.

The two just looked at each-other before Allen pointing to my legs.

Oh right. These goddamned things.

I mentally face-palmed myself for ignoring my injuries. At this rate, I'll never walk again. My legs were chopped off by the doctors, because they said that unless they cut it off, an infection will appear and kill me. I'm waiting for a prosthetic leg (or as Winry would say, an automail :3, I'm sorry, I need to stop interrupting) and apparently it's a mechanical leg.

Ollie walked in, holding a fresh batch of cupcakes. I knew what was in them, so I declined the offer. He stared at me as I lowered my head, I think he knew I was sad that I'm stuck in bed, unable to do anything fun.

"Poppet, do you really want a leg?" he asked.

I nodded, before he sighed.

"Would you still want it if it meant you would lose your other eye?" while saying this, he pointed to my good left eye.

I thought about it. And maybe it wasn't so bad. I never really liked the world, since it's sad. Why it's sad? Because life starts off good, and then ends, by sad things.

Take love. It starts off good, and mushy. Then in the end, the relationship ends in a breakup, death or disappearance. That was my mistake. I cared for Feliks too much, that when he left, I felt miserable. Which is why I will never grow too attached to someone or something.

"I wouldn't mind. As long as I can still hear, eat and touch, I'll be fine." I smiled. "Oh and if that means my eye will become grey and pupiless then make sure you get me another eyepatch, and help me when I need help." I added.

He nodded, before casting a spell. Before I knew it, my legs to-be were glowing, and I could feel them again, but my vision went black, but I still felt conscious.

"Thanks Ollie."

"It's not a problem poppet. Now. Do you want anything else, other than the eyepatch?" Ollie asked.

"Food. (f/f) to be exact, and something to change in, if you want, you can even give me a dress."


And with that, the door closed. Leaving me blind in my own room.

It's a good thing I memorised the room. I let my feet touch the floor and began to walk to the direction a wardrobe should be. Of course, I bumped into my desk, and a chair, but eventually got to it. I opened it, and began touching each object in it, one-by-one.

It went by the order of; sword, jacket, shirts, skirt, pants, hats, belt, books and wands or staffs. I picked up the wand and summoned Bella so she can guide me. You can say she's well-trained, but only with me, and that Spaniard.

The door suddenly burst open, from what I heard, was curses from a certain American and Canadian, while the Brit in the trio tried to calm them down.

"Is the doll really blind?!" Al shouted.

I twerked my head towards the direction the noise was, I guess that's where the door is.

"Isn't there a spell that can give her vision?!" Mat asked.

"Y-y-yes th-th-there is, b-b-but...!" He was cut off by Allen and Mathieu shouting at him, causing the smoking French to come up.

"What zhe fuck is goin' on 'ere?" he asked, probably blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Francois, swear jar~, now!" Oliver demanded to the French.

Some coins fell into the jar, and was later sealed. Oliver began to chant some spell, which I was unable to translate, because of his British accent. (geez, just because of his accent :3) My body began to lose control, and I was pulled into the world of dreams. In other words, I fell unconscious.

~~ Dreaaaaaaaaaaaaam Tiiiiiiime ~~

A girl, with shoulder blonde long hair, was playing with 3 boys, who were chasing each other. I walked up to them, but they seem to not take notice of my presence. So I stepped in and observed closer. A boy with dirty blond hair ran to me, he had a cowlick, and like the other children he wore a white bed gown, tied up with a red ribbon. He ran towards me, every step he took scared me, thinking I would fall over. But something no one guessed would happen. He ran through me.

This was when I was aware that this is a dream, or hallucination. I continued to watch the scene, the sun setting, the children playing, and the adults in the mansion doing their own things. Some were setting up a cake, some were watching the children play, while others were talking. Sooner the children who were playing went inside the mansion. The mansion seemed oddly familiar, but I let it pass. They had a party. There was music, games, cake and food. The party ended when two of the boys, the one who 'bumped' into me and a boy with longish blond hair with a wild curl sticking out, and had purple eyes, similar to Emil's.

The ones left in the mansion was a young boy who looked oddly like Emil, 4 other blonds and the girl. The girl and 'Emil' were taken upstairs, and probably were tucked into bed.

I stood beside her sleeping figure, examining if I knew her, since she looked so familiar. My brain finally began to work and knew who she was.

It was me.

My brain began to work some more, solving the puzzle pieces to the story. And it hit me.

This was a memory. A removed memory.

Suddenly, the window burst open, a shadow came through it. A man with strawberry-blond hair, wearing clothes with the colors of baby blue and pink. His baby blue eyes were swirled in baby pink.

What was Oliver doing here?

He looked at the past me, and began to slide his arms around her fragile, sleeping body. The adults of the households finally appeared at the door, but it was too late. Oliver placed his finger over his mouth, signaling them to be quiet.

"We'll be taking the little poppet. You know, just for some time. Maybe 3 or 5 years. Ta ta!" he said, jumping out of the open window. Leaving the people at the door blank faced, scared or just confused.

Then everything turned black.

~~ Dream end :P ~~

I woke up, trying to remember what the dream was, and finally remembered that the dream was a flashback or a removed memory.

I realised I was able to see, but it was third person, as if it were a movie. I saw Ollie's face worried, as well as Mat and Al.

"H-h-hey, Ollie?" I called out.

"Yes poppet? Can you see?" He asked.

"Y-yes I-I can, b-b-but c-can I ask y-y-you guys a q-q-question?" I stuttered, not knowing if this was the best idea.

'Well, no turning back now.' I mentally noted to myself.

They nodded.

"A-a-am I from th-th-this world? D-d-did you guys kidnap me?"

And they all gasped, shocked that I asked this question.

"H-h-h-how d-d-d-did y-y-you know?" Ollie stuttered.

My expression became surprised and hurt.

So... it was all true?...


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